Chapter 2

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The girl had to tell them who they are, more importantly what they are. "Have you ever heard about Greek mythology?" "Mum used to read us about the myths before going to sleep" said the girl, "So we know a little bit" said the boy.

"Well, all those myths are real and I'm Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the moon and the wilderness. And these are my hunters" she said gesturing to the other girls, "you have already encountered my lieutenant, Zoë Nightshade" she said pointing to the Persian-looking girl.

Unable to process the new information fast enough, all the twins said was: " Uh... Hi?" and it came up more like a question. Nevertheless, Artemis continued "And you two are demigods and powerful ones at that." "De-mi-gods?" asked the twins, tilting their heads to the right." A half mortal, half god person" the goddess replied, seeing their confused looks, "and I have to bring you two to Olympus with me"

"My lady, what do you intend to do?" asked Zoë. "I want to clarify who their godly parent is" "Very well, my lady" Zoë said as she turned to the rest of the hunters and told them to put up the tents.

Meanwhile, the goddess turned to her 18 years old form and scooped up the kids. "Close your eyes and hold on tight." No sooner had they closed their eyes that she flashed them on Olympus. Fortunately for her all the gods were there, sitting on their thrones. She let the kids down and they hurriedly hid behind her legs, seeing as there were 11 other gods and goddesses who were at least 10 feet tall.

"Artemis, who are those children and what are they doing here?" thundered a god. The twins took a quick look at him. He was tall with long shoulder-length hair with a grey and black beard. He had electric-blue eyes and he wore a dark blue pinstriped suit. What the twins found unusual about his right hand he held a lightning bolt. From the stories told by their mother, the kids gathered that he must be Zeus, king of the gods, god of the sky, rain and lightning.

"They were running from a man-she spat the word with so much venom, the kids flinched- and they came across our camping site. Soon after that, the man walked out of the woods and he was very repulsive. I killed him before he could touch the children."

The gods and goddesses looked between Artemis and the twins. Finally a goddess said:"Poor children, who would want to hurt someone as cute as them?" the goddess's features kept changing, but when she shrunk to human size and approached the siblings, her features stopped changing and the twins stared at her. Her eyes were now a blue color which sparkled in the light and her hair was now a brown color reaching the small of her back. The goddess chuckled seeing their reaction and asked: "You know somebody looking like me?" "Mum", both children answered at the same time, tears gathering in their eyes. "Oh, you poor things" the goddess exclaimed and tried to hug them, but Artemis stepped between them. "Leave them be, Aphrodite! You looking like their mother won't help them!"

"Who is their mother?" asked a grey eyed goddess with blond hair. "She WAS a mortal called Sally Jackson, but their step-father was drunk and killed her in front of them and wanted to do the same to Andy and Percy!" exclaimed Artemis. "Sally is dead?"a god asked. He was tall, had black hair, a black beard, a deep tan and sea-green eyes. He wore leather sandals, khaki Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and a cap decorated fishing lures. "Did you knew this mortal, Poseidon?" asked Zeus. "She is...was my lover" he looked at the kids and got down from his throne, shrinking in size, until he was right in front of them. He got on the same eye level as them and smiled, "Hello, my children."

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