The Black Vulture: Chapter Five (Photo of Kyle)

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"Oh, you must be the girl that Nathan found in the dessert." His grey eyes lighted with recognition. "I'm Caleb. But you can call me Kyle. Or Cale. Or Leb. Or simply Caleb." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'll just call you Kyle." I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Audrielle."

"Cool name." I smiled when I remembered that Charlie and I made up our own names since the warlocks called us by our slave number. My chest constricted when I remembered Charlie.

I need to find to the last elemental stone. I don't care what I need to do to attain it. I'll do whatever it takes to save Charlie.

~~~~Chapter Five~~~~

"Comparison between Wizards and Warlocks, huh. Why do you need this book?" Kyle asked me while eyeing the book I was holding.

"Uhm, I don't know...It seemed kinda interesting..." I lied smoothly. 

"Oh." He said lamely.

"Anyway, you better get to class. Otherwise, Mr. Lockwood might see you ditching." I turned my back to him and started walking towards the tables. I pulled out a chair and sat on it. I started reading the book.

"So you're just gonna sit here all day and read?" He inquired. "You remind me a lot of Brianna..." He whispered.

"You know Bree?" I looked up to him.

"Yeah, Nathan's sister." He looked at his cuticles.

"Sister?!" I asked, totally flabbergasted. They're related?

"Calm down. Not literally. Just like, super best friends." He explained. I relaxed a little bit.

"Nathan's parents died when he was nine. Brianna's mother took care of Nathan ever since...Wait, why am I telling you this?" Kyle said, confused.

"I don't know. You were the one who started telling stories." I shrugged and returned to the book. My eyes widened when I realized the page I was looking at was about elemental stones.

'Warlocks and Wizards have always been enemies ever since Warlocks stole stones from Wizards. Stones comes from Wizards who die. Their body will slowly disintegrate and their power is concentrated in a stone and when it is used, it will emit great sorcery.

However, when Warlocks tried to steal these stones, it burned their hands. Any contact with it will burn them. Since stones are made from purity and goodness, it contradicts with the Warlocks' dark heart and greed. Unfortunately, Warlocks still found a way to attain these stones. How?

That question still remains a mystery.'

"Stones...comes from...dead Wizards?" I unconsciously mumbled. All this time, the stones I've been collecting came from the lives that had been taken away just to obtain power? And Warlocks used humans so they can get these stones without burning themselves? I clenched my fists.

"Audrielle? You okay?" Kyle asked me.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I pushed the book away from me and closed my eyes. I can't believe the cruelty of Warlocks! Killing hundreds of Wizards for power? Unbelievable!

"Want me to take you to the infirmary? You look sick." Kyle's voice was full of worry.

"N-no, that's alright. I just forgot something in my room." I ran out of the library, not looking back to see if he followed.

I ran through the hallways thinking about what I've just read. If killing Wizards was the only way of getting the stone, that means, in order to save Charlie...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2011 ⏰

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