The Black Vulture: Chapter Three (Photo of Nathan)

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~~~~Chapter Three~~~~

Light poured from the window as I woke up. Wait. It was morning? It was afternoon when I hunted for stones.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I sat up straight, trying to remember what happened. Okay, I remembered hunting for stones. Blackstar was with me. Then I saw the boy buried in sand. 

The wizard boy.

I began panicking when I remembered what had happened the day before. Where was I? Clearly, I wasn't in my room. My bed wasn't this comfortable. I searched for Blackstar but he was no where to be found. 

"Oh, you're awake! Mr. Lockwood would be pleased." A voice said. I turned my head towards the direction of the voice. There in the corner, a beautiful girl sat in a chair while reading a book. She had luscious blonde curls and electric blue eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Brianna Radford. You can call me Bree, if you want." she slowly rose from the chair and gracefully walked towards me.

"W-where am I?" I stuttered.

"You're in Chandleor. This is the safe haven for wizards. You're perfectly safe here. We won't hurt you. Even warlocks can't find this place," She smiled.

'Even warlocks can't find this place,' That phrase replayed in my head. What does that mean?

"How did I get here?" I interrogated.

"You have so many questions, do you? Nathan brought you here."

Just before I can ask who Nathan was, the door bolted open.

"Is she awa--" A boy entered the room and directed the question towards Bree. He stopped when his eyes landed me and I realized it was the boy who was buried in the sand.

"Yes, Nathan, she's awake." Bree answered his unfinished question.

"You're Nathan?!" I asked. Then suddenly the memory of him hitting me in the face came back to me vividly. "You punched me!"

"Yeah, I did. I had to bring you here. But you wouldn't cooperate. And I was exhausted at that time so couldn't put a sleeping spell on you. So, I punched you...I didn't know I hit you hard enough for you to be knocked out for a day." He shrugged.

"What?!" My jaw was dropping. I was exasperated.

"Nathan! For crying out loud, she's a girl!" Bree cried out.

"Bree, you told me it's bad to be sexist." He wagged his finger towards her. Bree simply put her head on her hands.

I rolled my eyes but I got out of the bed. I tried going out the door but Nathan was blocking it.

"Woah, woah, where you goin' lil missy?" He looked down at me.

"I don't belong here." I stated as I glared at his green eyes.

"Yeah, I know. But Mr. Lockwood would like to speak with you, so until then, you're stuck here." Nathan said arrogantly.

"Nathan! She's a guest! Go take your rudeness somewhere else!" Bree said with so much authority that the room trembled.

Nathan snorted and leaned against the door frame. 

"I'm sorry, but you have to stay here for a while. We have to identify what you are." Bree said softly to me. Her eyes made her seem older but she was about the same age as me.

"Identify? What does that mean?" I asked Bree but Nathan answered.

"Obviously, you're not a wizard. But since you can enter Chandleor, you aren't a warlock either. So what are you?" He arched an eyebrow.

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