The Black Vulture: Chapter Four (Photo of Bree)

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~~~~Chapter Four~~~~

Mr. Lockwood's office was bigger than I expected. Huge paintings of people were hanging on the wall. There were at least a thousand books in his office. Red carpets covered the floor while dark blue pillows were scattered everywhere.

But what really caught my eye was the marble stand at the farthest corner of the room. On top of it was a clear crystal cluster. The crystal at the center was the sharpest and longest. The cluster was covered with smoke which added an eerie atmosphere.

"Please sit down, Audrielle..." Mr. Lockwood gestured me to take a seat. He walked towards the rectangular table with stacks of white papers placed on it. He sat down as well. Nathan and Bree chose to stand beside me.

"We mean you no harm at all, my dear," Mr. Lockwood said while fiddling uncomfortably with a fountain pen. "We would just like to ask you a few questions. If you find our inquiry too personal, please do tell us to stop." He smiled.

"She can't tell us anything. She lost her memory." Nathan let out a sigh. He was obviously bored.

"Is this true, Audrielle?" Mr. Lockwood turned to me. I crossed my fingers slightly and replied.

"Yes. I woke up in the dessert, not having any memory. I wandered around and saw Nathan buried in sand. I helped him but instead of saying 'thank you' like he should, he punched me in the face. Quite the gentlemen." I glanced at Nathan in the corner of my eye. He rolled his eyes.

"She did save me." He admitted with a grunt. "I knew I had to bring her here but I was exhausted to use magic, so I punched her. It's not a big deal, Mr. Lock--" Nathan tried to finish but Mr. Lockwood cut him off.

"You left Chandleor without my permission?" He asked. His happy and bright mood was now replaced with a serious atmosphere.

Everyone in the room, including Nathan, remained silent. I wonder what was so bad about leaving Chandleor.

"Nathaniel. You're never allowed to leave. You know that. What will happen if--" Mr. Lockwood reasoned out but Nathan slammed his fist on the table.

"If what? Someone attacks me? I'm going to die anyways. Why delay it?" Nathan retorted.

"Never speak of death so nonchalantly, Nathaniel!" Mr. Lockwood said in loud voice. Bree flinched at his tone. I kept my eyes on the floor.

"When the time comes, you will save Chandleor, Nathaniel. You are our last hope." Mr. Lockwood tried to reach for Nathan's hand but he jerked away from him.

Nathan laughed humorlessly and muttered. "Last hope, my ass." He left the room and slammed the door loudly. Bree excused herself and went after him. No sound was made after they left the room. The silence was deafening.

A sea of questions ran in my head. Why wasn't Nathan allowed to leave Chandleor? Why did he say that he was going to die anyways?  What did Mr. Lockwood mean that he was their last hope

"I'm sorry about that, Audrielle. Nathaniel is quite...stubborn." Mr. Lockwood interrupted my thoughts. He was cheerful again. I smiled at him.

"Well, may I ask you some questions?" He asked. I nodded slightly and muttered, "Of course."

"Do you not know what you are really? Not even the slightest idea?" He narrowed his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry." I said confidently but he doesn't seem convinced. He rose from his chair and walked towards the crystal cluster I've seen earlier.

"This is called the Glendower. An elemental wizard of earth designed it, James Glendower." Mr. Lockwood explained. I stood up to get a closer look of the Glendower.

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