Chapter 26: How I not Fall In Love

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"Welcome to GALLZ Inc. as we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the company for its success along with the people who founded it. May I call on Miss Lily Rose Parker, the president of GALLZ Inc., to give her opening remarks. Please give her a round of applause" The emcee announced and it took me seconds to realize I was actually called. 

"Your turn." Gabby nudged me on the side while clapping with the people and locked her smile at me. I stood up and went to the podium. This far but yet I can't still enunciate well and compose the words to say how all of these things happened and how happy I am my dream came true. I smiled looking at the audience gaining sense of pride. 

"Good morning! No words are enough to say how thankful I am for this day to God and my co-founders, to our investors who believed in us and our craft, to the top managers and the people under them that grasped our vision and worked hard in achieving the company's mission and goals. And also to the avid consumers who adapted our culture and faith as a company. In behalf of Gabriel Johnson, Zeed Gilbert, Abigail Truman, Leslie Tzu thank you for your labor, loyalty and support. We will not be able to go this far and achieve our goals if it weren't for the people behind the scenes. We all value you as our assets." I pause, looking at the audience giving an impact. "We are created to create the clothes with confidence, aspiration, enthusiasm, amity, passion, and love to convey those traits to people as they wear our clothes. We will continue to thrive in more years to come giving the best for the best. Thank you and enjoy the rest of this event." I smiled as I ended my speech.

The room is filled with people. A U-shaped ramp was placed in the middle giving a little space from the audience. I sat on the front row along with Gabby, Zeed, Leslie, and Abigail. "I wonder how will this go." Gabby whispered to me. "It feels like the first year." I said. Gabby smiled in agreement. "Did you cancel your trip tonight? We're all going to Spring Bay at the west." Leslie asked. "I did but I need to run some things in the office first. My response and signatures are kind of needed." I say. "Always the workaholic amongst us." Leslie chuckled and the rest of them followed in a laugh. It may sound a bit overrated or cliché but this really feels like the very first year we started as a company. The idea of putting up the venture, a trade name of our own, actually came from Vivian, though not really from her, but through her. One day she asked me if Prada is currently hiring models or if there is such a walk-in thing. Unfortunately they do hire models through agencies and not walk-ins. On her frustration she kept on ranting about how unfair most companies and agencies, stuff like that. Then it came to me. Flashback a bit before I talked to Vivian. Zeed was actually fired not because of his ugly work but because his designs doesn't seem to fit Prada's standards. We went out after the news came in and comforted him. So going back to Vivian, that moment I realized that most of us in the company are being forced to create for something they are not. What we make is not just for the sake that we made something good or nice or beautiful or any kind of adjectives to use, but we create to make people wear it, wear in confidence as how we put so much confidence that it will be worn; aspiration, believing for something greater in life; enthusiasm, that whatever is happening or had happened to the people wearing it would feel the same joy we had when we made it; amity, calming the mind and the spirit that 'All is well'; passion, when we are passionate with what we do we excel, we thrive, we pass on the passion that whatever those people love to do or are doing for the sake of doing it, they will learn or grow to be passionate about it and love it; love, when it's the universal language of all mankind and mankind revolves in love, love is what they will feel and can pass on when we loved what we do while making it.

I started calling them when the idea set me in. We remained in our jobs until we had the amount of capital we needed to share. I was employed in Prada for a year or so and it was a good experience. It is until now what I hold onto the learnings. And for that same year, I learned a lot of things in love and I valued how it made me now.

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