Chapter 34

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It as the morning of Lily and Ryan's wedding and things seemed surprising calm at Lily's parent house. Lily was in her old bedroom having her hair curled and her mom was making some food. Riley was asleep in his crib, Tom was shining his shoes.

Unfortunately Gemma wouldn't be coming to the wedding, she wasn't quite ready for anything like this after losing her baby. She had wished Ryan and Lily all the best though "Lily do you want eggs with that?" Violet called up the stairs.

"Yeah please Mom" Lily called back. Natalie and Anna were in Lily bedroom, having their makeup done.


"How you feeling dude?" Brent sighed and Ryan looked up to answer him.

"I'll feel better when the Police department call me back" Ryan replied and continued to fasten his tie "I can't rest easy until I've seen his face"

"What time you going to the station?" Brent wondered and Ryan looked up at the clock.

"Half past three" he answered "Then straight to the reception"

"Okay" Brent nodded.


Music filled the house as all the girls giggled excitedly, they had all gathered in the lounge to see Lily come downstairs in her dress. She was now completely finished hair and make up we perfect and the dress she had originally chose fitted her tiny frame perfectly (See photo above for dress and hair) Lily took a deep breath before opening the lounge door.

Gasps and sighs overwhelmed Lily and the look of pride on her dad's face was enough to send her over the edge "Oh no Lily don't cry" her Mom sniffed "You'll ruin your makeup"

"You look so beautiful" Tom smiled and wiped his eyes.

"The cars are here" Natalie announced and Lily looked at her parents.

"It's time darling" Violet smiled.

"Oh crap I forgot Ryan's..." Suddenly Lily remembered her supreme for Ryan and stopped "Never mind, you three go" she gestured towards her Mom and Natalie and Anna "Dad will you wait for me?"

"Of course honey" Lily gave Riley a quick kiss on his forhead and her dad sat down on one of the small chairs in the lounge as Lily then dissappeared off upstairs.

Lily foraged around in her chest of drawers looking for the cd she had recorded...on it was a song she had written and sung for Ryan. She planned on playing it in the church as she walked down the aisle.

Suddenly a clattering came from downstairs "Dad, are you alright down there?" Lily called out but Tom didn't answer. Lily lifted up her dress so it wouldn't drag in the floor and rushed downstairs "Dad what are you...?" A figure stood in the lounge.


"You nervous dude?" Zach asked asked and Ryan grinned widely.

"Nope" he replied, keeping his eyes fixed on the door which Lily should be walking through at any time now.


"He's such a good boy" Natalie smiled a she watched Riley sleeping in his carseat "And he's the vision of his Daddy"

"Me and Tom said this earlier" Violet was holding Riley's tiny hand "He is so precious"

"He is I'm just glad everything turned out good for them, it could have been so different" Anna exhaled "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean...I mean what happened to Gemma was awful"

"It's okay sweetheart, you're right they are very lucky" Violet smiled weakly "What happened to Gemma was a tragedy but it shouldn't cast a shadow over Ryan and Lily's happiness and it certainly shouldn't show this little one"


"Getting nervous yet?" Eddie chuckled as he watched Ryan jumping everytime that door opened.

"No but I will be if you don't stop asking me every 2 seconds" Ryan snapped and Eddie smirked.

"Alright, Alright Mr Touchy" Eddie teased and Ryan threw him a death glare "Sorry"

"It's not funny Eddie" Ryan frowned "I don't even know why I'm nervous, I mean Lily is already my wife...its just a blessing"

"It's all these people" Zach laughed and Ryan threw him a glare also.

"The bridesmaids are here" Drew called out as he gently jogged towards Ryan, Zach and Eddie. Bent was still outside waiting for the bridesmaids to arrive "Violet said Lily and Tom should be right behind them"

"It's time dude" Zach smiled "Just remember to breathe"

"Yeah Zach it's not something I will forget to do is it" Ryan snapped and Zach threw him also look "Sorry Man its just" the doors opened again also nd Ryan's head flicked up. It was only Violet with Riley.

She smiled at Ryan before making her way to the front of the church, she handed Riley to Marlene before taking her seat. Marlene fussed over her grandson and Ryan popped over to give him a kiss "Hey buddy, hows Mommy is she holding up okay?"

Ryan's head flicked up when Brent came rushing in "They're here" he said quickly "the cars just pulled up"

The doors were closed and Ryan returned to his spot at the front of the church beside Zach, Eddie Brent and Drew took their seats behind Ryan's parents and grandparents "You'll be fine dude" Zach put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. The priest smiled reassuring at Ryan; the doors opened wide and everyone turned...excitement turned to horror...

Tom staggered up the aisle "Oh my god" Violet stood up quickly as Ryan rushed towards his father-in-law. His shirt was covered in blood, Ryan guessed it was from the cut on Toms head well at least he hoped it was "are you alright? What happened?"

"Where's Lily?" Ryan asked frantically when he realised she was nowhere in sight "TOM"

"I'm so sorry, I tried to fight him off but he hit me with a vase" Tom stuttered and Ryan ran his hands through his hair "When I woke up she was gone, I think he's taken her. There was a struggle upstairs and there was..."

"WHAT?" Ryan's heart was pounding so hard it made his head hurt.

"Blood" Ryan's legs collapsed underneath him and he sat in a heap on the floor. No-one had even noticed Anna and Natalie following Tom down the aisle in horror. Eddie was stood beside Natalie and Drew has his arm wrapped around Anna waist.

"Ryan, Ryan" Zach tried to get Ryan's attention, but Ryan's eyes were now fixed on the beautiful boy in his Mom's arms. His son...


So sorry for the abrupt ending...This is the last chapter for this story. But fear not as there will be a third book, coming soon. Thanks for all the ongoing support from all of you its given me an amazing confidence I never had before. I love you all lot xxxx

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