Chapter 20

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"Ryan why won't you tell me where we are going" Lily giggled as she let Ryan lead her by the hand down what seemed like a long corridor. She had a blindfold over her eyes so could see where she was going.

"Because it's a surprise" Ryan grinned to himself as he stopped in front of a door "Okay you can take it off now"

"Oh how lovely, it's a door" Lily teased and Ryan laughed loudly at her cheekiness.

"Open it" he gestured and Lily did as he said. She gasped as she looked around the hotel room, it was dripping with luxury.

"Oh my god" Lily gasped "Why are we...?"

"I wanted to do something nice for you, I know you have been struggling with the sickness and now you're feeling better I wanted to show you how amazing I think you are"

"Aww you don't need to do anything" Lily gasped as her eyes continued to search the room "Just being with you is enough reward" Ryan chuckled at Lily's cheesy remark. He leant forward and kissed her head gently, she smiled and looked up at him "I love you so much" she smiled.

"I love you too baby, I hope you know that" Ryan replied and moved back a little.


"That hotel looks perfect on the brochure, it must have cost him a fortune" Anna exhaled as she slumped down on the couch next to Drew. She noticed the sheepish look on his face "What have I missed?"

"It's more than just a hotel" Drew half smiled "It's a registered wedding venue"

"What?" Anna was stunned "Are you saying he has taken her there to marry her?"

"I think that's the plan yeah" Drew replied.

"But what about all the planning they've done?" Anna frowned "She asked Gemma to be maid of honor. Lily still wants the big deal"

"Yeah and she will still get it, but something she said to Ryan last week got him thinking and this is what he came up with" Drew explained and Anna nodded it made sense "If they get married tomorrow, Ryan still wants to have a church bleasing"

"So let me get this straight, the next time I see Lily she will be Mrs Tedder?"

"Yeah that's the plan" Drew chuckled.


"Do you think she'll go for the idea?" Violet sighed as she handed Tom his daily newspaper.

"Yeah Lily loves Ryan" Tom replied "Besides it's a crazy idea and we both know how much Lily loves crazy ideas" Tom smirked and Violet laughed.

"Yes she's definately her fathers daughter" Violet chuckled.


Lily sat in the bathroom waiting for the white stick to reveal it's results...Two blue lines appeared and Lily relaxed again. She had been taking pregnancy tests everyday since the sickness stopped. Although she hadn't mentioned it to Ryan, she didn't want him to think she had lost her mind. It was just her way of knowing that everything was fine with the baby "Are you okay babe?" Ryan called from the other side of the locked door.

"Yeah fine" Lily shoved the test in the trash can and quickly unlocked the door "Sorry I didn't realise I'd locked it"

"That's fine, hey listen I have something for you" Ryan smiled as he took Lily's hands and pulled her back into the bedroom area of their hotel suite. Lily gasped when she saw the ivory lace dress hanging up on the wardrobe door.

"It's gorgeous" She smiled as she walked closer to it "But isn't it a wedding dress?"

"Yes" Ryan smiled and walked up behind her "This is going to sound completely insane, but you said something to me last week about wanting to bring the wedding forward now Blake is...well you know"

"Yeah" Lily guessed where this was going.

"Well it would have been impossible to bring it this far forwards with all the guests and plans we had made. So I thought we could get married if it was just the two of us..." Ryan explained "It's up to you though there is no pressure, we will still plan the wedding in march"

"So even if we get married now we will get married again in march?" Lily looked confused.

"Yeah, we could still get the marraige blessed in church" Ryan nodded "I know you said you didn't feel right getting married with a huge stomach and that it would feel like a necessary wedding"

"Let's do it" I'll grinned widely with tears in her eyes "You don't need to justify your reasons Ryan, I just want to be your wife as soon as possible"

"Really?" Ryan exhaled.

"Yes really" Lily nodded "Let's get married"


"So what experience do you have Natalie?" Lydia smiled as she read through Natalie's CV.

"I have been working in accountancy for the last 5 years, mainly for small company's" Natalie smiled "But I am just looking for a change I guess, working for a big company like yours will give me a broader clientele"

"Okay well I don't think it will come as a surprise if I offer first refusal of the position" Lydia smiled confidently "Your references where incredible and I think our company would be silly to turn down the opportunity to work with you"

"Oh wow thank you" Natalie was ecstatic, she had been wanting to work with Carson Ltd for years.

"I shall be in touch with all the finer details, how would next week suit you all your starting date?" Lydia asked and Natalie smiled.

"Brilliant" Natalie nodded "Thanks again" she couldn't believe her luck. Never in all million years did she think she stood a chance getting this position, and yet here she was.

Lydia picked up her things off the table and left some money to settle her half of the bill "It's been a pleasure Natalie, I'll look forward to seeing you on monday"

Natalie watched as Lydia headed outside.


Lydia walked towards her Black BMW Z4, she unlocked the car and climbed in putting her bag on the passenger seat. She took her iPhone out of the front pocket of her bag and dialled a number "Hello its me, she's on board" She smiled and waited for a reply "No she doesn't have a clue..."


Hey guys sorry for the interruption I just wanted to say I hope the last but of this chapter isn't too confusing and that Lydia is the woman who spoke to Blake earlier in the story :)

Speak soon lovelies xxx

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