Chapter Seven

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"So you went to see her" Anna said as she handed Ryan a mug of coffee "What happened?"

"We argued" Ryan replied simply.

"Oh well I'm sure you'll be able to work it out. Don't give up just yet" Anna tried to reassure Ryan.

"I'm not sure I will, she's already moved on..." Ryan looked into his coffee and remembered what he said to Lily about Taylor's bed.

"What? No Lily wouldn't do that, not this soon" Anna didn't believe it for a second.

"Anna she's staying at a guys house" Ryan replied, he frowned as he watched Anna's face twist "Taylor I think Natalie said"

"Taylor?" Anna replied.

"Yeah I thought Taylor was a girl until I..." Ryan explained and Anna stopped him.

"Ryan, Taylor might be a guy but I can promise you he certainly isn't interested in Lily in that way" Anna smile grew a little "In fact I am surprised he didn't make a move on you..." Suddenly the realisation hit Ryan.


"Ryan honey, Taylor's gay" Anna informed him. Ryan felt awful how could he think Lily had moved on so quickly...


"Oh Lil you look dreadful, have you been eating?" Gemma asked honestly. She had been called to her Mom and Dad's when they realised Lily was going to visit. Violet and Tim knew if anyone cukd reach out to Lily Gemma could. The girls were sat in the garden drinking iced tea while their parents stayed inside.

"Not really" Lily frowned "I can't face it"

"You need to look after yourself" Gemma frowned.

"Why? It's not like I'm eating for two anymore is it?" Lily shrugged.

"Lily" Gemma scolded.

"JUST leave it Gemma" Lily snapped "Just let me be" Gemma backed off instantly. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Lily.


"What exactly did you say to Lily?" Anna continued her conversation with Ryan.

"I asked her if there was enough room in Taylor's bed for two" Ryan sighed, knowing the extent of the damage he had caused.

"You did what?" Anna cried.

"I know it was stupid now, but at the time I genuinely thought her and him were..." Ryan tried to explain but he couldn't. What he said to Lily was unforgivable "I need to fix this.."


"So sweetie when do you go to England?" Violet asked as she poured herself and Lily another glass of wine. Lily half smiled when she noticed Violet had forgotten Gemma's glass again.

"Mom are you okay?" Lily asked and Violet looked puzzled "That's twice you've missed Gemma's fact I'm surprised you haven't said anything" Lily's attention turned to Gemma. She noticed a look Gemma and Violet shared "What?" Lily was curious "Why aren't you drinking?"

"Erm" Gemma manged, but she didn't need to continue because Lily had already guessed.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Lily smiled and hugged Gemma "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't know if it was the right time" Tom finally joined in the conversation.

"Oh...I see" Lily sat back in her seat, she was a mixture of emotions.

"So when would be the right time...After the birth?" Lily snapped much to Gemma's annoyance.

"We were only trying to protect you baby" Violet stuttered.

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