Chapter 22

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It had been two weeks since Lily and Ryan got married, and announced their baby news. The phones had been ringing off the hook for interviews with Ryan and even Lily now. They still hadn't revealed their wedding news though, Lily decided she wanted to keep that bit of information to themselves.


"First Ryan I want to cogratulate you on your baby news" Larry smiled.

"Thank you" Ryan replied politely.

"And am I right in thinking that there could also be a wedding in here near future?" Larry pushed and Ryan smirked.


"Okay not many people realise this but your girlfriend Lily is a bit of an underdog in the world of show business" Larry smiled "She's a photographer right?"

"Yeah" Ryan replied with a nod.

"She isn't just an average one at that is she, I read somewhere that she had ls done family portraits for the Queen of England, is there any truth in that?"

"Yeah" Ryan nods again "in fact she's been asked to do another one for them"

"Wow that's an incredible achievement for a young photographer" Larry was impressed "Now I met Lily earlier and she is very down to earth, and not to mention stunning.

"Yeah she's gorgeous" Ryan agreed "I'm a very lucky man"

"You sure are" Larry geinned widely "So apart from your baby, what else is coming up for you in the future? I hear you are working on a few different projects?" Larry asked.

"Yeah, we're working on the new OneRepublic LP and I'm also working on other tracks for different artists" Ryan explained.


"Erm right now I'm working with Taylor Swift and Ellie Goulding" Ryan replied.


Lily was working in her studio editing some photos she had taken recently. She was waiting for a phone call from Dean, he was meant to be ringing her about a photo shoot.

Lily jumped as she heard her cell phone ring beside her "Hello Lily Grainger" Lily answered cheerfully "Oh hi Anna"

Lily listened to Anna speak before finally giving her an answer "Yeah okay, I'll meet you in twenty minutes"

Lily stood turned off her laptop and grabbed her coat before standing up and walking out of the studio. Lily's phone vibrated again as she walked down the sidewalk, she looked at the screen and realised it was Ryan "Hey you" she said as she answered.

"Hey" Ryan relied "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah fine why?" Lily stood still as she got to the resturant where she was meeting Anna.

"Ray said you gave him the afternoon off" Ryan seemed a little put up.

"Yeah, I just needed to breathe" Lily replied honestly "He's great Ry, but I feel like I'm suffocating"

"Lily baby, we talked about this. Whenever I can't be there you said you would let Ray look after you" Ryan sighed as he looked over at Eddie who was shaking his head.

"I know, but I am perfectly safe honey" Lily reassured him "Besides I am just meeting Anna for lunch"

"Okay, well I should be home after 2pm" Ryan looked at Eddie and smiled weakly. Eddie was still smirking and shaking his head.

"I'll see you at home, I am just at the resturant now" Lily walked over to a waiter who was stood behind a desk "I'll speak to you later, I love you"

"I love you too" Ryan replied knowing full well he would get ripped apart by Eddie for being a soft touch.

"She still not crazy about the bodyguard idea?" Eddie sat forwards in his chair.

"No not at all" Ryan replied "She said she feels like she is suffocating"

"Maybe 24 hour security is abit much?" Eddie suggested and Ryan rolled his eyes.

"And exactly what would you do I my position huh?" Ryan was annoyed by Eddie's careless remark "The last time that son of a bitch was roaming the streets, Lily got shot, we lost our baby and I almost lost her"

"Yeah I get that dude" Eddie soon changed his tube when Ryan lashed out "If I was in your position I wouldn't let her leave the house"

"I just wish I could be there to take care of her more" Ryan stared at his laptop screen.

"Yeah but she still has her job to do, you can't be with her all the time"

"I know and that's exactly why I hired Ray, but I'm starting to think that it was pointless" Ryan exhaled "She's so fucking stubborn"

"Yep, but that's why you married her though right?" Eddie grinned and Ryan chuckled.

"Yeah" He agreed.


After lunch Lily and Anna headed back to Lily's studio, she had forgotten her car key "I still can't believe you are going to be a mama"

"Yeah I know it's pretty scary" Lily frowned.

"Hang on you have just tied yourself to one man for the rest of your life by law, and the scary thing to you is big a Mom?" Anna laughed "That's crazy"

"Nah, being married to Ryan is perfect" Lily smiled "in fact everything is perfect right now, okay I've got them let's go" Lily followed Anna down the stairs and out onto the side walk "Shit" she frowned when she realised she didn't have her keys to lock up.

"What's up?" Anna wondered why Lily was checking her pockets.

"I left my keys upstairs" Lily looked at Anna and she shook her head.

"I'm not going back up there, I'll wait here for you" Anna protested and Lily chuckled

"Okay that's fine, I'll be two minutes" Lily rushed back upstairs as Anna stood on the sidewalk checking her phone.


Lily walked straight to the table, as she looked around she couldn't see them "Are these what you're looking for?" A male voice said as he shook Lily's keys. She gasped as she saw who it was standing in front of her "Honestly Lily you are so forgetful" the man spoke again.

"What are you doing here?" Lily tried to move back the best she could "You're suppose to be in jail"

"Yeah well they let me go" The man grinned.

"I find that hard to believe" Lily snarled "Look my friend is waiting for me downstairs, I need to go"

"Don't I at least get a kiss?" the man moved forwards and Lily stopped him "No Lee, that ship sailed a long time ago, you know around the time you beat up my brother and left him for dead"


Hey guys,

Just thought I would throw in and little twist for you ;) all will be explained in the next chapter...

This new character I have introduced is called Lee Murphy, he was Brett's best friend and at one point he had a brief fling with Lily...

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