Chapter Eight

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"I did not cry" Drew protested as he walked back with Anna to Lily's apartment, they had been to see a movie.

"Yes you did" Anna giggled as Drew's arms draped around her shoulders "I saw you"

Both of their attention was drawn quickly away from their conversion as they saw the crowd of people "Isn't that Lily's car?" Drew asked when he saw the white Audi TT parked near the sidewalk.

"Oh shit" Anna cried "LILY" she ran towards the crowd, Lily was unconcious and her head was being held off the ground by a middle aged woman "Lily"

"What happened?" Anna asked as she knelt down beside Lily, Drew had taken his phone out his pocket to call Ryan.


"We've given her fluids" the doctor explained to Violet, Tom and Gemma when they arrived "She was severely dehydrated..."

"She lost a baby recently and has been neglecting herself" Violet was quick to explain.

"Well in that case I'd like to keep her in hospital for a few days just for observation" the doctor smiled.

"Yes of course Thank you doctor" Tom replied "Maybe you should go and see her Gem, she might talk to you"

Gemma nodded and knocked gently on Lily's door, she went in after Lily gave her permission "Hey are you feeling?"

"Sick of hospitals" Lily frowned as she slumped back in her bed, she was wearing a blue and white hospital gown.


"Hey Eddie are you okay to lock up after yourself, I've gotta go..." Ryan called out to Eddie who came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah sure, what's happened?" He saw instantly how stressed Ryan was.

"It's Lily, she's in hospital, apparently she collapsed in the street" Eddie was shocked at Ryan's explanation.

"Shit man" he exhaled "Is she okay?"

"I don't know that's why I need to get over there" Ryan grabbed his car keys "don't forget...lock up"

"Yeah course, you go"


"I still can't believe he would do something like that, what a jerk" Gemma was sat next to Lily in her bed while she listened to Lily explaining what happened with Ryan "And your sure she was naked?"

"I don't really want to think and bout it anymore...but yeah I'm sure" Lily frowned. Gemma shool her head in disgust as she thought about how low Ryan had stooped "Hey listen I'm going to get some tea, did you want me to get you anything?"

"No I'm good" Lily smiled weakly "Thanks though"

As Gemma closed the door she was both surprised and Bourne annoyed to see Ryan walking casually towards her "How is she?"He asked without a care in the world.

"You're fucking kidding me right? How do you think she is, she's severely dehydrated Ryan"

"Shit..." Ryan didn't get chance to say anything else.

"How could you? Huh?" Gemma's anger was taking over her "How could you do something like that? I defended you, I made her come and see you..."

"Gemma what are you talking about?" Ryan frowned.

"Earlier today" Gemma frowned "She wanted to talk to you, to apologise for her behaviour. But you have already moved on right?"

"Not..." Ryan still didn't get much option but to carry on listening to Gemma's furious rant.

"Don't bullshit Ryan, your one night skank opened the door, in your shirt..." Gemma raised her eyes brows enough to gesture Ryan's explanation.

"What?" Suddenly Ryan remembered Kelly "Shit, no I didn't have a one night ska...stand" Ryan shook his head as he corrected himself "She had nothing to do with me, she stayed with Eddie in the guest room"

"So you didn't sleep with her?"

"Hell no, I love Lily" Ryan relplied openly "Wait is that why Lily...?"

"Lily was severely dehydrated that's why she collapsed, mind you in can't imagine being that upset would have helped" Gemma stood down "Ryan she's a mess"

"I know" Ryan inhaled deeply "I really want to try and fix it, I just hope she'll let me"


"Hey honey" Gemma smiled as she walked back into Lily's room.

"Hey" Lily smiled weakly "Where's your tea?"

"Oh the machine was broken" Gemma thought quickly "I'll get one later"

"Is something wrong?" Lily knew her sister too well not to guess something was wrong.

"Lily Ryan's here" Gemma blurted out.

"I don't want to see him" Lily replied quickly.

"Lily what happened earlier was a misunderstanding" Gemma tried to explain on Ryan's behalf "The woman was with Eddie"

"I DON'T CARE" Lily cried "I can't see him"

"Okay...okay I'll tell him to go" Gemma did what Lily wanted, she headed outside to tell Ryan Lily didn't want to see him.


Ryan was sat in the waiting room listening to music on his ipod, he stood when he saw Gemma approach him "I'm sorry Ryan she doesn't want to see you"

"Did you explain about Eddie" Gemma nodded.

"And why did she say to that?"

"Nothing, just that she can't see you" Gemma could see the hurt in Ryan's eyes as he respected Lily's wishes "I'm sorry"

"Its fine, thanks for trying" Ryan sat down on a chair again "It's okay if I wait here for a while though right?"

"Yeah sure" Gemma smiled "how are you holding up?" As Gemma saw Ryan sit down she guessed that many people probably hadn't asked him this question.

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it" Ryan looked at Gemma as he spoke to her "I guess if I'm honest I just...I just really want to be there for her you know, I want to support her through it. I know whats she's going through" Gemma put her hand on Ryan's arm and squeezed it gently.

"Don't give up on her" she smiled "I know she still loves you"

"I hope so" Ryan smiled weakly.


"I used to do this for you when you was a kid do you remember?" Violet was sat on the bed behind Lily as she brushed her hair. Lily nodded "You always had beautiful hair...still do" she whispered into Lily's ear, Lily leant her head back and Violet kissed it "what happened Lil, why did you neglect yourself like that?"

"I don't know, I just wanted everything to go away" Lily frowned "I love you Mom" she added randomly.

"I love you too baby" Violet smiled as she wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulders, hugging her from behind.

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