The wild and magestic Masky

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*whispering* Greetings all. I am shady Dox and I'm here with Archivest.

Archi: *waves her hand in front of the camera view* *whispers* hellloooo!!!

Dox: so, recently, we had Came up with an evil plan~

Archi: An evil plan~

Dox: yes an evil plan. And our plan is to kidnap all BENs friend. Fufufufufuf~

Archi: Yeah! Kidnap! All bens friend! Fufufufufuf~

*Time skip*

Dox: ok, so we manage to track down one of bens friends. I believe his name is..."Masky".

Archi: Masky~

*camera moves to look over bush*

*Masky casually walking down dirt path*

Dox: *whispers* quick! Let's follow him*

Archi: okie.

*camera quickly but quietly moving after Masky, but still keeps distance*

Archi: where do you think he's head to?!

Dox: I don't know.

*both keep following the wild masky*

*both stop*

*masky turns around*

Dox: *talks lowly into mic* And here, we see the mysterious wild masky*

Archi: Cooooool. :D

Dox: Let's watch what he does next.

*masky charges at them*

Dox: seems like the wild masky is charging at something.

Archi: Woah, look at how fast he's moving*

*masky getting closer*

Dox: uh oh. I think he's charging at us!!!

Archi: coooo- Wait what??

Masky: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! *tackles both girls*

*camera on its side with crack on screen*

Masky: *chasing both girls*

Both Dox and Archi: *screaming and running*


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