Getting Attention

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Kurloz: *standing in a group of users watching and listening as they all be random. He continuously honking a horn*

Dox: *hiding behind a bush that somehow was placed inside the Chatroom*

*Chatroom is filled with randomness*

Dox: *peeks from behind the bush*
(0-0)....*spots Kurloz in group* *hides behind bush and pulls out a bag load of cupcakes.* *evil smile*

Kurloz: *honk honk*

Dox: *peeks over bush again* *raises cupcake and aims*......*throws cupcake*

*the cupcake goes flying and land outside of the group. No one notices*

Dox: *tries again*

*several tries later....finally a cupcake lands right next to Kurloz*

Kurloz: *notices* !?....??? *examines the cupcake*.....*turns back to group*

Dox: *aims and throws again*

*the cupcake hits the back of Kurloz shoulder*

Kurloz: !?!?! *looks back to see cupcake smashed against his shoulder*.... *looks up and towards bush* ????

Dox: !!!! *hides*........*peeks over bush again and notices Kurloz gone* *whisper yell* What the what!?! *a shadow looms over her* !!! *slowly turns around*

Kurloz: *throws bag full of cupcake over Dox's head, rapping a rope around her, tying it and then throwing her into a random closet. Locks door* :o)
*wipes cupcake off shoulder and returns to group*

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