Burn It Down

144 18 3

PG: It's no use anymore Dox!! I'll have to burn the whole place down now. *pulls out flamethrower*

Dox: but isn't this your house?

PG: Not anymore. Now that the enemy knows where I live, I must find a new home to stay.

Dox: um, but is it really necessary to burn down your house??

PG: It's okay, I have my Mtn Dew. SCREEEEEEEEEE!!!! *sets house on fire*
HAHAHAHA!!!! Find me now!!! YOU JUST GOT SCOPED!!!

Dox:...?...*looks around*....soooo, where's your Mtn dew?

PG:!!!???!!!! *quickly looks around*...*falls to knees and yells to the sky* nnnnnNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Dox: ("-_-).....you left them in the fridge didn't you?

PG: *Sobbing*

Dox: *Facepalm*

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