Kitty Madness

67 10 11

Karina: *sitting on couch watching tv*


Karina: *looks down* (._. )........

Kira: (•w•)

Karina: (-_- ).....what?

Kira: mew!

Karina: ......

Kira: Mew meow!!

Karina: what is it?

Kira: meow!! Meow!!!

Karina: what do you want!?

Kira: *close up* (=w=) feeeeeddd meeeeeeeee.

Karina: why didn't you say so?

Kira: FEED MEE!!!!! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mmeeeeeioooowwwwwwww!!!!!!?!
(• W •)

Karina: okay! Okay!! NOW SHUT UP YOU STUPID CAT!!!


*suddenly glass starts braking and things are flung around the room*

Karina: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!??

Kira: *jumps on to Karina's face*
TUUUUUNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *scratches Karina's face up*

Karina: AAAAHHHHH!!!! *grabs Kira and throws her against the wall*

Kira: *hits wall but quickly gets back up* *lunges*

*crashing and rattling*

-in next room over-

*plays gold fish poker*

L: their at it again...

Dox: who's turn is it?

Mateo: *wearing eye patch and arm cast* I went last time*

Baha: *in body cast* *muffle muffle muffle*

Kurloz: *shakes head*

Pg: no thank you.

CMan: Nah uh!

Dox: Vincent! You go!

Vincent: Why me!?

Dox: I'll stop buying toast.

Vincent: (0_0) I'm going I'm going. *grumbles and goes into other room*

*everyone continues the game while listening in on the other room*

Vincent: Hey!! Okay you two knock it off!


Vincent: Hey!! IM talking here!! It you don't-wait! HOLD UP!!!



*everyone continues playing game*

Vincent: *crawls into doorway all beaten up* GUYS!!! *reaches out but is then suddenly pulled back into the other room* *screaming*

L: Should we call the ambulance again?

Dox: yeah....Mateo call them...

Mateo: *looks down at paws and arms in cast* ;-;

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