Second Message

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Dear Hoodie,

I'm leaving you another message to let you know that I shouldn't be punished. I'm a good girl and good girls aren't supposed to be punished. I'm sure that when everyone reads this message they will "totally" agree with me.

Anyway, the reason I'm actually leaving this is to let you know that I broke your phone.....yeaaaah, by pressing all the numbers too fast and probably too hard...

I think i did too fast because the numbers started flying off the phone, and too hard cuz the phone started to smoke. It might of slightly exploded in the process and what not... The point is, I accidentally broke it. Kay?

Please don't punish me. *Doxy eyes*

So with that said, hope to see you around, know your a busy shadow, working and hunting...and...stalking......


ANYWAY!!! Hope to see around, remember, don't punish me. Good girls aren't suppose to be punished, even after killing so many users...

I had my reasons.

Okay, I should go now-*CRASH* Uh!! Oh! Um! Don't worry about that! That wasn't anything important- *SMASH* Oh! Neither was that. *nervous laugh*

You know what, Imma just go, BYE!!!

*hangs up*

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