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     Sunlight streams into the room, warming me as I wake from what had to be the best sleep I've gotten in months. Eyes still heavy with sleep I reach over to where Jackson snores loudly, running my fingers lazily over the the dark black designs covering his back. The sound of metal on metal catches my attention and I shoot up, clutching the blankets against my skill care chest.

     Max lounges casually at the end of the bed, shoving spoonfuls of spaghettios into his mouth directly out of the can. He raises a brow at me, a sly smile creeping over his face.

     "Hungry?" he asks, tipping the can in my direction. I shake my head and push the cold food back to him. "I thought I heard you creeping through the halls last night. Daphne says 'hi' by the way. Jeez that girl can talk. Kept me up for hours last night going on about nothing. Not that I mind, I'd listen to her give instructions on how to make a sandwich if it meant I got to hear her speak. Any who, yea, about you two. It's about time. I was wondering how long it'd take before you gave into your..umm...animalistic needs. And from the sounds of it, my boy Jackson meant business."

     I punch him in the arm playfully, feeling my face heat up as blush flushes my cheeks. The first time we had kept quiet, Jackson doing his best to keep his voice quiet. The second time, well, we got a bit carried away, completely ignoring the fact that the walls in this house were far from sound proof.

    Max laughs loudly, rubbing at his arm. The door swings open and I jump, half expecting to see Liam come bounding into the room. It's pretty much impossible to find Max without Liam trailing behind him. What I see instead is Gabriel in the doorway, his chest moving heavily as he takes in the scene before him. Me, still grasping tightly at the blanket while Max salutes him and Jackson, still passed out on his stomach snoring.

     "What the actual hell is going on in here?" He growls through clenched teeth. The sound of his voice wakes Gabriel who mumbles incoherently as he pulls himself up so that he is sitting.

     "Well I was sleeping," he grumbles, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "But some asshole had to go and ruin that. Them, well I'm not sure what they are doing. How long have you been in here Max?"

     "Long enough to see way too much of your ass. Seriously dude, put some pants on. I'm trying not to spend my morning puking up half eaten spaghettios," Max says, tossing Gabriel a pair of grey sweats. Gabriel laughs, sliding the pants on under the covers before rolling out of the bed.

     "You know what I mean Jackson," Gabriel yells. I catch of glimpse of Liam in the hall, standing a god few feet behind Gabriel's towering frame. He gives me a sympathetic glance before backing away from the tension filled room.

     "What do you think happened Gabriel?" Jackson responds. He motions to the room, the knocked over night stand, my clothes thrown recklessly around the room. He grabs the discarded clothing, tossing them to me as he takes a stance in front of his brother. I get dressed faster than I ever imagined I could, desperate to be anywhere but here.

     "I warned you what would happen if you couldn't keep this strictly business. How could you be so stupid? Asher will be here in twenty minute and what do I find? You and this...thing...half naked under my roof."

     Jackson clenches his fist, his knuckles going white. The whole room goes silent, the two brothers now engaging in an epic stare down.

     "She is not a thing," Jackson says viciously. "She's a person. A good person. And I-"

     "She's evil!" Gabriel cuts him off. "Just look at her Jackson, look what she can do. Just because we cant sense it doesn't mean it isn't true. She's evil. You know it, I know it, and I'll be damned if she doesn't know it too."

     Jackson's composure breaks and he swings his arm back, preparing to hit his brother. Max leaps from the bed, grabbing Jackson in time to stop his arm from moving. The two stumble back, Max speaking in low tones in an attempt to calm him down.

     "Whoa," Max says as he makes himself a barrier between the two, "It's getting a little too intense in here. Gabe why don't you go downstairs and start some coffee or something. Asher will be here soon and you know if there's not a fresh pot he will go on an hour long lecture. Jax, something less violent. Omera-" he smiles playfully-"I can see through that shirt. You might want to change. Or not. Either one is fine by me, the view isn't half bad."

     Max pulls Gabriel from the room, securing the door behing them. I look down, my hands flying to my chest as I see what he meant. You can't just see kind of see through my shirt, the thing is damn near sheer in the sunlight.

     "So that was fun," Jackson says sarcastically, sitting at the edge of the bed. He runs his hands through his messy hair. He tugs at the waistband of me jeans, pulling me into his lap. I lay my head on his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart.

     "You know he didn't mean it right?" He places a kiss on the top of my head. "He always gets cranky when Asher comes to visit. He doesn't really think you're evil."

     I stay silent, not wanting to cause another argument. Gabriel said exactly what he thought. Exactly what has been on his mind since I walked into this house. The very thing that has been on my mind since yesterday afternoon. The truth.

     I lift my head up, taking in Jackson's flawless features while I still can. Guilt turns heavily in my stomach. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. I should have left last night while I still had a chance. I should have lied, told him anything I could to end his feelings for me. I was selfish and now not only do I have to worry about what today holds for me...but I have to worry about the possible rift I've caused between Jackson and his brother.

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