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The on me in seconds. He moves faster than I planned, grabbing a chunk of my hair and pulling be back fiercely. My feet fly out from underneath me and I hit the cement with a sickening thud. My head is pounding, spots dance in front of my eyes. I try to force it out, the electricity, but nothing happens.

He crouches over me, once normal teeth now replaces with sharp jagged bone looking teeth. His skin had faded into a vile grey color. His tongue runs over the teeth as he gathers my hair in his thin fingers, inhaling deeply as he runs the strands under his nose.

"I'm going to take my time with you," he growls. I bring my foot up, nailing him in the chest. He stumbles back and I pull myself to my feet. The world around me starts to spin and I am certain I might have a concussion.

The begins to circle me, a predatory look covering his face. He smiles and edges forward. I back up, eyes darting around the parking lot for anything I could use as a weapon. He charges me, slamming his shoulder into my gut. I am thrown back into the brick wall of the cafe. I throw my hands in front of my defensively, using all my strength to hold back the demon. He growls, teeth gnashing inches away from my throat.

My arms give out and he pins them at my side. I feel his teeth dig into shoulder and I scream. He releases one of my hands and holds it over my mouth. I thrash violently but am unable to pry his jaw from my shoulder. Pain shoots through me and I feel my whole body being to tingle. A flash of light blinds me and I hear the demon cry out. His mouth disconnects from my flesh and I slide down the brick wall.

Electricity covers every inch of me and I brace for the horrendous ringing to start. There is nothing but silences as my vision comes back, the demon now slowly backing away from me.

"Diaboli," it grunts, limping its away towards the van appeared from behind. I pull up, holding onto the wall as my legs threaten to give out again. A glint of metal rushes past me and the demon howls in pain. He claws at his chest, at the knife now buried to the hilt in it. Black matter oozes from the wound. The creature shutters, his body shaking violently. He falls to the ground, still convulsing before dissolving into a puddle of vile smelling goo.

"Omera?" Jackson grabs me as I wobble, tumbling towards the ground. I grab his shoulders, burying my head in his heat as I sob. The tingling on my skin disappears and I know the electricity is gone. The adrenaline begins to fade and my shoulder erupts in pain. I scream loudly, my hand flying to the wound.

"He, he bit me." Jackson tears the shirt away, gasping at the injury. The flesh is mangled, blood pours from the bite. The veins around the wound are visible, slowly turning black as I see the poison being to travel through my blood.

He props me up with one arm, pulling something from his jacket pocket. I hear the soft chime of buttons being pushed. I press my head further into his body...screaming loudly into his chest.

"I'm behind the cafe. It's dead. Max...Max listen to me! I need you here now. It bit her." He pauses and I can hear a frantic Max yelling into the phone. I try to make out his words but another surge of pain hits me like a truck. My nails dig into Jackson arm as I cry out again.

"It's bad, real bad. Well hit the damn gas and get here now!" He shoves the phone back into his pocket and slides an arm under my legs, lifting me off the ground. My injured arm hangs limply at my side, slowly losing feeling. I lay my head on his chest, whimpering as the pain travels into my chest.

Pain sears through my chest and I try to sit up, only to be forced back down. I must have blacked out. I try to breathe and the fire in my chest rages. I cough, choking on the metallic tasting liquid that fills my mouth. Blood, my blood.

Omens (wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now