"Hey," Taylor yells, still laying on the ground.

"I'm new to school, would you mind showing me around," Andrew asks me. Something about Andrew looks familiar, but I don't know from where. "My brother Aidan had the school map, but was too sick today to attend."

"I wish I could, but we're also new. I do have a map though, so we can help each other out," I say. He smiles and nods his head. I help Taylor up, because he was being a baby, and the three of us walk to the attendance office for our schedules.

Skate p.o.v.

Sammy and I open the door to Kenton's office and walk in. Kenton called us down from a training session, because he wanted to talk to us about something. Kenton is on his computer, when the two of walk in. From the mirror behind him, I can see he's looking at security videos.

"You called us down sir," Sammy says.

Kenton nods his head and looks at us. "Boys where were you this morning from 6 to 7," he asks us.

I scratch the back of my head and Sammy blushes a little. This morning the two of us were making out in the top of the roof over the sun rise. I don't get why this is important, since we didn't do anything wrong, other than sneak out a little early.

"We were...doing stuff," I say with a sheepish smile.

He didn't seem amused. "What kind of 'stuff'?" Jesus, I didn't think he was going to be a homophobe. We haven't come out to our other teammates, but I thought they would totally be cool with it. I'm guessing a security camera caught us and now he is going to kick us out.

"Kissing on the roof," Sammy says shyly. This makes the man frown. Not in an angry way, but in a confused way. He looks through the cameras and finds the video of us making out. I have to admit it looks really hot. I feel my little skate get a little excited.

The door opens behind us and the three of us turn to see a security guard walk in. "Oh sorry. I see you're with other people. I'll come back later," he says.

"No, no Richie come in," Kenton says. The guy, Richie, walks in and Kenton looks at the three of us. "Richie, you said a Sammy Wilkinson and a Nate Maloley were near the weapon halls this morning."

"Yeah, have you talked to them yet," Richie asks him. Kenton looks at me and Sammy and then back at the guard.

"I'm Sammy and this is Nate aka Skate," my Sammy tells the guard.

The guard looks confused at us and shakes his head. "The Sammy I talked to was a girl and the Nate didn't look anything like him," Richie tells us.

"What type of--," Kenton gets cut off by somebody running into the room.

"Get down," the guy yells. We all listen and a sec later, the window turns purple and explodes. I look away and cover Sammy from the derby. Though I don't feel any. I look back and see a clear thing between us and the shattered glass. The clear thing, which I'm guessing is a force field, has a bunch of cracks on it. It then dissolves as if nothing was there.

A Goth woman jumps into the room, through the window. A man then follows her and jumps into the room. Unlike the girl though, the guy has machine guns and grenades.

"We want Kenton," the Goth says, looking at him. "If you cooperate then the rest will be fine."

"I don't think so," Kenton says. He puts his hand up and throws the girl to the wall and she falls to the ground. The guy shoots Kenton and he screams from the pain. He grabs his wounded arm, to try to stop the bleeding.

"I wouldn't try that again," the guy warns. Kenton then raises his other hand and tries to move the guy away, but the guy doesn't move. "No real bones," he says. He tries to shoot Kenton again, but a force field appears around Kenton. The bullet goes back at him. The bullet doesn't do anything to the guy, it just turns flat.

I look over and see the guy who walked in, holding his hand up. He then moves his hand and the force field moves and hits the gun guy in the face causing him to go back. The gun guy growls at the other guy.

"I guess your power doesn't work either," force field guy says.

"Oh yeah," the guy challenges. He puts his hand on the wall and the whole wall gets smoothed into a ball. He throws it at us, but a force field protect us. "You can't save them from everything." He touches the floor and smirks. He throws one of his grenade in the air and the girl opens her eyes and shoots out a laser. The grenade glows purple and there's a flash. I close my eyes and brace myself and Sammy for the impact.

When I don't feel anything, I think the force field guy protected us. I open my eyes and see something I didn't expect. The woods. Sammy, Richie, and I were in the woods. We somehow ended up outside the facility we were in.

There is then a tap on my shoulder and I look down to Sammy. He points behind us. I look back and gasp. There is a huge stone wall a couple miles behind us. The wall seems to be for a prison or something. It looks like it's been bomb or attacked.

The only visible thing I can see is a word.


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(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The Private Party(shaylor) (boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن