"Wow." I said, looking around at how much bigger the stadium looked from the middle, every seat directed down to what seemed like me. I knew I didn't need to get any pictures from the middle, but I did, for my own keepsake.

I looked down at my watch noticing it was now 3 pm and I had been here long enough. I started to pack my bag again and I started up the stadium stairs so I could get a few shots from the seats before leaving.

Again I unpacked, man, I had to find a better system than this hell.

The view from here was impeccable as well, just absolutely gorgeous. I finally got all the shots I needed and started to, for the last time, pack my bags up again.

"Need help with that?"

Halfway through packing I looked back, only to find Danny Amendola standing there with a huge filled trash bag in his arms. 

"Not as much help as you look like you need." I shot back, continuing my work.

"Nah, it's just mostly padding, shoes, and empty water bottles I was too lazy to pick up before." He sat his bag down and walked over to me and I stopped as I zipped up my bag, looking at him oddly.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked, hoisting the bag up on my shoulder.

"I'm trying to remember where I have seen you." He said, his head cocked slightly and I chuckled.

"I was with Sam the night of the Broncos game." His eyes widened as a light bulb seemed to go off in his head.

"Ellie!" He said, snapping his fingers and I just nodded.

"Yep, that's me. Good seeing you." I said, taking a few steps, before I heard him again.

"Hey, want to get lunch?" I turned back to him, confusion written on my face. This man was so douche that night, what was with him today?

"Why?" I asked, setting my bag down for a moment as I was now curious.

"Just because." He said shrugging his shoulders and I just laughed.

"No there is a reason." I stated and after a few moments of an intense stare down, he sighed, dropping his hands.

"Sam called me and told me that we were going to be paired together for the wedding." It suddenly clicked in my mind and I slowly nodded.

"Because I'm the Maid of Honor and you're the Best Man, got it." I said, that made some sense now.

"Yeah. She said I should introduce myself again and maybe we could get to know each other a little, since we're going to be working together a little in the wedding." 

I nodded again before digging through my bag and taking out one of my business cards and handing it to him.

"What's this?" He asked, looking it over and flipping it to see what else there was.

"That's a business card of mine. It has my number on it. I can't do lunch today, but theres my number for when you have another free time." I said, before grabbing my bag once again.

"I have to get going now, see you around?" I asked and he just smiled and nodded.


"See you around Danny." I said, waving my hand as I walked away. I didn't really have anything going on today, we could of gotten lunch, but before we did, I wanted to chew Sam out for whatever game she was playing with me.

I placed my bag in the car and started my drive back to Boston and instead of going home, I was going to surprise Sam with a visit.

I pulled up and walked to their apartment, banging on the door, to no avail. 

"Come on Sam open up!" I yelled, banging once more. I put my ear to the door and waited as I started to hear some rustling and footsteps nearing the door and then the unlocking of it.

Sam opened the door and I could see her clearly, before a smirk appeared on my face.

She had thrown on shorts, a shirt with which I could tell no bra underneath, and her hair looked like a mess.

"What?" She asked as I shook my head and walked in.

"I know what you were doing." I said, pointing my finger at her and waving it in her face before she swatted it away.

"Oh whatever I was not." 

Then Julian walked out, only a pair of shots on and his hair a mess as well. He smirked at me before I looked to Sam and she just sighed.

"Did you at least shower that sweat off?" I asked and Julian just laughed as he shook his head 'no'. 

I looked back to Sam and she blushed as I breathed out heavily.

"You guys are disgusting." I said, dropping my bag on the table.

"I know you're not here to exploit us so what the hell do you want?" She asked, looking angry now.

"Oh you weren't finished?" From the expressions on her face, that was a no.

"Well, anyways, I saw Danny today and he told me that you wanted me and him to hang out since we are going to be in the wedding together."

She nodded before waving her hand.

"And?" She asked, frustrated.

"And why?" I asked her back.

"Because Ellie, you think he's a dick and I'd rather you know him a little, before I force you two to walk arm in arm down the aisle." 

"But Sam-"

"I don't care Ellie, I want my wedding to go perfectly and I won't let your opinion of him sway that. Please just go have lunch with him."

"Ugh, fine." I sighed, her smiling in victory.

"Good, now can you leave?" She asked, grabbing my bag and handing it to me.

"What I can't stay and just wait till you guys are finished?" I looked to Julian as he blushed red and Sam just grabbed my arms.

"Okay time to leave, see you later, buh by!" And the door closed in my face.

Sam was usually a very nice person on all levels, but what you needed interrupted her 'private' activities, yeah, she was a whole other monster.

I sighed as I leaned against their door.

I wasn't thrilled about getting to know Danny and I have a slight feeling he isn't thrilled to get to know me. 

Dannyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن