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Anne's P.O.V.

i can't believe it's been over a moth now since i started the show! Time has flew really fast. I've met so much people, fans are absolutely incredible, they give me letters, posters, cakes, a lot of things and i really appreciate that. All of my shows were sold out! I can't believe people is actually coming to my show.

Niall has come 3 times with me, but right now it's been almost two weeks without seeing him because he already started tour. But i'm really excited because tomorrow i will be able to see him, the boys will have a concert here in Ireland, Niall's hometown, and i will go to their concert and i will see the boys, i really miss them.

As i have today off, Jason and i are going to visit some places here in Dublin. Jason has been really nice with me, he has helped me a lot and he always makes me laugh every time i was sad for not being with Niall. I have to say is really hard not to get sad at the fact i been away from him for a month, but i know that distance only makes you love more the other person.

When it is getting darker, we decide to have dinner. We go to Nando's. The restaurant is empty there is nobody inside, weird. We sit at our table and then i see two men, wearing black suits. Very intimidating.

The two men, grab me and Jason by the arm and take us to a car. I try to get off this man, but i realize he has a gun pressed to my back. So does the other guy with Jason. We go into the back door, the one that's use by employees, then we get inside a van. Nobody says a word.

"I-is so-mething wrong?" I ask, afraid of what might happen.

"Just shut up! Don't ask anything!" The man is still holding me by the arm. I turn to see Jason and he is as scared as i'm. I shrug my shoulders in signal that i don't know what is going on.

The van proceeds during 20 minutes and then stops. Before going out, they cover our eyes and mouth. We walk into like i guess it's a house and then they tied us on chairs. I can hear them talking.

After some minutes, they uncover our eyes. We are in a house, but it looks abandoned. Jason is right next to me, he looks as scared as i am. I don't know what is this, i just feel like we're going to be killed anytime soon.

Then another person appears, he is taller than the other two and he is walking toward us. He first looks at Jason and punches him in the face, he hits Jason so hard, he falls into the ground with the chair. Tears are starting to fall from my eyes. My entire body is shaking.

The man walks to me, he stands in front of me and then he uncovers my mouth. I don't think it twice and i spit on his face, which is covered with a mask. He cleans it and then he holds me really tight by the hair.

"Listen! Don't do that again ok!? Or... Your friend" He turns my head to see Jason, he is bleeding from his nose. "We will kill him, ok?" The man pulls my head again, now i'm looking right into his eyes. "Did you understand?" He pulls my hair once again to the point it is hurting me.

"Yes! Yes i did!" I blurt. He lets go my hair, but punches me in the face. It hurts a lot. He is now walking away.

"Why are we here!?" I shout. He turns around and glares at me. He doesn't say a word, they all leave. I turn to see Jason, he is still bleeding and he looks pretty bad.

"I'm so sorry Jason, they're gonna pay for this. I don't freaking know what's going on, but we will get trough this" I smile. Jason nods, he still has that thing on his mouth.

I try to untie me, but it is impossible, the loop is very tight and it is hurting my wrist. I give up and i'm only looking around, there is nothing! This house is totally empty, but somehow it looks familiar to me.

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