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Anne's P.O.V.

Niall is laid on the ground, blood all over his face. I run to him. I think he is unconscious. Tears are falling from my eyes. I look over to Jason and he is smiling, like he is enjoying the moment.

"And there we have the girlfriend trying to help her hurt boyfriend..." Jason is saying at loud for everyone to hear.

"I will kill you Jason!" I say, standing up and walking towards Jason. I hit him on his chest but he just laughs. Suddenly he takes my wrists into his hands and pulls me closer to him.

"I will kill your lover first" He pulls me to the ground and walks away.

Niall is still on the ground. I pull out my phone and call an ambulance. A few minutes later the ambulance arrives.

The paramedics are saying a bunch of things but i'm just concentrated on how Niall is. His face is still covered with blood.

We arrive at the hospital and i'm taken away from Niall. A nurse looks at my wrists.

"Girl? What's your name?" The nurse asks me.


"Anne, can you tell me what happened? Why are your wrists so hurt?" I look at my wrists and they are red and they have finger marks.

"I...i-i..." The memories come back to my mind and i can't help crying. The nurse doesn't ask anyhting and puts bandages on my wrists.

"You're ready, you might go"

"Thanks" I walk outside and Amelia and Emily are here.

"Anne, we were so worried about you. Are you ok?" Amelia asks.

"Where's Niall?" That is the only thing that worries me right now. I go to the reception and ask the lady if she knows where Niall is. She gives me the number of the room and i literally run.

Once i find Niall's room i get inside, he is sat on the edge of the bed, bandages all over his face.

"Niall!" I run to hug him. He hugs me back but makes a sound of pain. He pulls up his shirt and i can see he has bruises all over his torso. Tears fall from my eyes.

"Ni-niall... I'm sorry"

"Don't be..." Niall pulls me into his arms.

"I swear i won't let Jason hurt you again, he first hits me than to hurt you..."

A nurse comes inside with some medicine.

"You can go now Niall, but you have to stay in bed for 2 days and take the medicine. Someone will have to take care of you..."

"I will..." I immediately offer.

The nurse tells me all the recommendations for Niall to feel better. We go back to where Amelia and Emily are. The other boys are already here.

"Nialler! man! you did fight..." Liam says, helping Niall.

"But it looks like you didn't win..." Louis jokes.


"Sorry..." We all head to Harry's place.

Once we are home, i take Niall to my bed to rest.

"My body hurts...." Niall says with a very low voice.

Then i remember a little ointment my mom used to spread all around my body when it hurts.

"I have an ointment that will make the pain go away for some time... Do you want me to get it?"

"Please...." Niall is really hurt, so i search on my things and i finally find it.

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