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I wake up very early to go to the airport to pick up the boys. I can't wait to see them, specially Niall, i miss hearing his laugh and looking at his beautiful blue eyes.

James comes with me and we wait for the boys to arrive. After 1 hour of waiting, i can see Harry's curls in the distance, the rest of the boys behind him. But someone is missing, Niall isn't with them. I look around and i don't see him.

When the boys say hi, i'm surprised by two arms around my body. It is definitely Niall.

"I miss you..." Niall says giving me a big hug.

"I miss you too Niall..."

We have a group hug and then walk to the ban. I sit on the last seat, next to Niall.

"How was the tour guys?"

"It was great! We meet so many fans... Japanese fans are really crazy, look i have a video of them dancing for us" Niall shows me a video of fans, they make an entire choreography and it was pretty good.

"One girl even tried to kiss Harry!!" Louis comments.

"Did she kiss you?" I ask Harry.

"No, Paul pulled her away"

We make our way home.

We arrive at Harry's place and i have another surprise for the boys.

"I have a surprise for all you in the kitchen go and see..."

The boys leave their luggage on the living room and run to the kitchen. They start eating the food like they haven't eaten in days.

"Thanks Anne... The food is delicious..." Niall says with his mouth full of food.

After eating, the boys go to their houses and i go to Amelia's house.

I'm getting used to have James next to me. And i feel safer, because you never know when something can happen.

Amelia welcomes me into his house and we go to her room.

"So why do you want to see me? Is something wrong between Harry and you?"

"Oh, no. Things are perfect... But i wanted to have some girl time with you... Why you never told me you signed a record with Syco Records!?" Amelia says, a bit mad.

"Sorry... But i've been very busy with the recording, and i called you one day but you didn't answer, so i thought you were busy too..."

"Well yeah i've been busy with exams but i'm finally free... What are you doing these holidays?"

"Hummm... I don't know if i told you before, but i'll be going to Ireland, Niall invited me to go with him... And i'm also going with them on a concert they'll have in 2 days" When this comes to my mind, i remember I have to pack!

"Awww, how sweet... And when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow! We need to go shopping!" I take Amelia's arm and drag her outside.

James takes us to the mall.

I buy a couple of shirts, jeans and some shoes. I also buy a lot of beanies to match my clothes, just if it's too cold.

I meet a couple of fans at the mall. They ask me for a photo and an autograph. They were really nice.

After the shopping, we go to my place to start packing.

"What about the underwear? We should have bought some Victoria Secret's..."

"Why should've i?"

"You never know what can happen between you and Niall..." Amelia's comment makes me blush and i look down.

He Changed My Life (One Direction fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن