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Anne's P.O.V.

Today i'm taking the flight to Ireland. I'm really excited to be with Niall for an entire week, i don't know what we will do, but just being with him makes my day better.

On the airport, some girls ask me for an autograph and ask me some things.

"Anne, would you date one of the boys?" A girl almost my age, asks me.

"Humm... Maybe, but i don't think they would date me"

"With who?"

"Maybe... Hummm... Niall? I don't know girls..."

"I was thinking the same! You and Niall would make a beautiful couple!" Another girl comments, she is a bit younger, maybe her sister.

"Hahaha, thanks girls. And i love that you are positive and you don't care if the boys have girlfriends"

I take a photo with them and then i get on the plane. The flight isn't too long,it is just an hour and a half. I send Niall a text for him to pick me up,he tells he will be waiting me on the very last door, for paparazzi not to see him.

When i'm getting closer, i can see a blonde head sneaking on the door frame. I run to Niall and give him a hug.

"Anne! I'm so glad you're finally here!"

"I'm glad i finally see you"

"Let's go..." Niall helps me with my bag and we get into his car. I feel more secure now, here with Niall. Last week i was so afraid of what could happen, that i didn't go out of my room, i'm really sure the man of the call was Jason.

"The hotel i'm sta-"

"You are staying at my house..."

"Niall, i don't want to bother..."

"You don't. You'll stay in my old room"

"Your parents agree with this?"

"Hummm... My parents are divorced, i live with my dad, so he agreed having you at home..."

"Oh! Sorry... I didn't-"

"It's ok... I don't really talk about it..."

"And what are we going to do?"

"I have plenty of ideas for you to see Ireland"

After a 15 minute drive, the car parks at a really nice house, it is big and has a modern look.

Niall helps me with the luggage and he leads me in.

"Dad! We're home!" Niall shouts. His dad comes from the kitchen.

"Oh! You must be Anne" Niall's dad shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Horan"

"Please tell me Bobby..."

"Nice to meet you Bobby"

"Come in, and feel like home..."

Niall walks me to the room i'm staying, his old room. He opens the door for me and he puts my luggage on the floor.

"This will be your room for the next week..."

"Wow... It looks like you are a really proud Irish boy..." Niall's room is like a typical boy room, video games, books, but what catches my attention is this big flag in one of the walls.

"I am, i love my country..."

"I can see it..." I look around the room and i see some papers on the table, they look like a script, i take them and i see it is a script for a play.

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