What Am I? x

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Emmett left us after the 5th shop, we had tonnes of clothes. I was having so much fun shopping with Rose. I had new shoes, coats, dresses, shorts, skirts, leggings, jeans, tops, jumpers, accessories, bed clothes, slippers and other items of clothing. I also had make up of my own and shower items and bath soaps.

"Omg this has been so much fun." I laughed on the way back to the car.

"I know...now would you like to stop and get some furniture?"

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"We have a spare room if you would like it?"

"No I'm alright in your room if that's okay." I replied.

"Yes that's okay." she said sounding disheartened a bit.

We carried on walking towards the car where we found Emmett.

"Hey kid. Have fun?" he asked.

"Yup it was amazing!" I exclaimed "Nothing could make this day any better!"

"You sure about that?" he asked pulling out a few boxes and handing them to me. The first one was a top of the art laptop. The second was an iPod, and the last was a brand new iPhone.

"OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I screamed jumping on him.

On the way back I opened and set up my iPhone and iPod which both had a tonne of money on them for games and music.

We got home at about 3:30 when we left at about 9:30. we got home to a busy house. Carlisle and Esme were packing. Edward and Bella were telling Renesmee what she has to do tomorrow. Me, Rose and Emmett brought all my bags up and we dumped them in their room before we grabbed the backpacks we brought and started to pack things into them. I packed some bed clothes as well as day clothes encase I got tired and needed to sleep. I also packed some food for the journey because I do need to eat.

As I went downstairs I was caught by Carlisle who asked if he could run a couple of tests on me before we left.

"Of course Carlisle, I want to know what I am just as much as you do!" I grinned up at him.

He smiled down at me and showed me into his office. He took x-rays, tried to take blood, asked me my daily pattern's such as food, blood drinking, sleep and things like that. About 40 minutes later he had the results. Rose and Emmett came to sit with me when he read them out.

"From the tests I have done, I have concluded that... I'm not sure what you are..." he said sounding disappointed with himself.

"Okay then... so the tests said nothing?" I asked.

"No they told me multiple things... such as your heart still beats like a human just at a much slower rate, you skin is still human but there's no blood running through it, only venom and from what I can tell your bones are as hard as a vampires skin. These tell me that you are neither human or vampire... which would mean you are like Renesmee... but your not! I honestly don't know how you are alive! You said you were drained of blood which should mean you should have died... but the venom in you should have changed you so you should be vampire... all I can say is there obviously wasn't enough venom in your system to change you fully but the venom that was in you tried to change you, but it only got half way... which means there has to be a certain amount of venom I a person to change them sufficiently... but that's all I can tell you I'm afraid..." Carlisle went back to his notes " If I discover anything I will let you know." he promised.

"Thank you Carlisle for trying." I said and hugged him slightly before going to grab my bags ready to go.

At around 4:50 we were all packed and ready. Me, Emmett and Rose were doing America before moving onto Britain while Carlisle and Esme will do the rest of Europe and everywhere else. We were running because I didn't know how to teleport with other people yet which caused Emmett to pout and sulk for a while.

We said goodbye to everyone and left quickly wanting to get this over with as soon as we could, Before the snow sticks.

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