Chapter 36: Juicy II

Start from the beginning

"Nah, not today. Laurice mess with y'all today?" I asked.

"No, I don't have time for her. I don't even know her. Anii you wanna come to Montae's house and meet my friends?" She asked her.

"Me and Bitania have to start our project today, so I can't. Oh yeah, take me to her house please."

"Aw, fail! Anii you got any cookies?" I asked.

"Why do you people keep asking me for stuff? No, I don't."

I pulled up at Bitty's house and dropped her off. Her ass was lying, she know she had some damn cookies. Bitty and I live across the street from each other and a few houses down so I was home now. I cut the engine and sat there.

"When do you have to pick up your brother and sister?" She asked.

"I don't pick them up, my mom does. Your friend a damn lie, she know she had some damn cookies." I told her. "You wanna wait out here for them?"

"Sure, is Kaleb coming?"

"Nope, he's helping Ms. Hunte with her computer for extra credit. His mom gon think he got detention, watch." I said. I tried to roll my shoulder but it was not helping for shit. Then I thought about something. "Wait, Tiara isn't coming is she?"

"I don't know," She laughed.

"I'ma punch you in your damn throat." I told her. I saw two cars pull up and Jalisa and I got out my car. "Son, what if this shit was a damn drive-by?"

"That's not funny,"

I saw Tiara get out the car and I groaned. I picked out the house key and opened the front door.

"I thought you said you didn't live in a mansion, Montae?" Rico said.

"I don't." I chuckled and led them to the living room. I walked into the kitchen and got me an ice pack, filling it with ice. I put it on my shoulder and sighed.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Ques asked.

I wanted to say, "Ask your sister." but I didn't. "I twisted it,"

"Haha, clumsy." Jalisa said.

"I'm not clumsy, Ethan told me my phone was ringing and I got distracted. Go get me some cookies from Anii."

"I don't feel like it, I'm tired."

I rolled my eyes at her as Alex asked me where the remote was. I told him it should be in the arm of the recliner.

"I told Bitty I talked to you."

"Yeah, what she say?"

"She was like, "Ally?! You know Ally?', damn near bust my eardrum." I said. "But anyway, I gotta figure out where I should start."

"How about the beginning?" Tiara said. I glared at her.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at Taz's house?"

"Anyway!" Jalisa said.

"Kevin is an asshole. He brought his girlfriend to this party last month, and his girlfriend brought her best friend. Demetria was going hard, drinking and shit while her friend was just trying to get the hell outta there. So I walked up to her and asked her why she was there and she said her friend made her come. I asked her how old she was and she told me fourteen so I just took her home because she shouldn't have been there in the first damn place."

"So what were you talking about when we got back from the road trip, why were you getting so hype about it?" Ray asked me.

"Because it's a sensitive subject for me. You don't have a little sister Ray, you wouldn't understand." I said. The boys nodded in agreement. "Kev brought them over here like twice and I watched as Demetria just talked bad about her and shit. The only reason her ass was going there was because Venny...progressed before she did and Kevin was noticing that.

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