The girl behind the checkout looked perplexed, "sir, you can't cut the line." 

"I'm on a hurry and the kid doesn't have an order yet, this isn't the case of who should go first but a case who already has what he wants."  

"But-" Dustin came forward while carrying James in one arm while his other hand was pushing the stroller with Jeremy in it. The girl forgot what she was saying to Jackson and it only took one smile from Dustin (and James) that she completely lost into his charm. Dustin was chatting up with the teen when Jackson waited for his order. There was a reason why Dustin could make it to the top of the modeling world and Jackson couldn't, even though Jackson was equally attractive as him. People listened to Dustin, he had a certain appeal that burst out like a magnetic field around him whenever he get close to someone. 

Confidence, Katherina told him that was what distinguish Dustin from the rest of the modeling world. Jackson cared too much how he looked in certain angle and wished to find the perfect pose, Dustin didn't do those. 

"Perfect," that was the only word any photographer ever said when they were working with Dustin. 

"One decaf latte to go." The barista called out, dumping the takeaway cup on the counter. Taking the cup and muttering a thank under his breath, Jackson dragged Dustin away from the teenager who was still standing there and choosing his drink. They rushed back to where they supposed to wait for his mother, his eyes flitting across the arrival time boards looking for the flight from Bali. 

His mother didn't even tell him about the flight number, however he saw the only bright green word 'Arrived' next to one of the Bali flights. "Has she texted you? Why isn't she texting me by the way? I'm his son for God sake." 

"Let's not go over the reason why she doesn't love you," Dustin's fingers were flying across his phone screen and Jackson took over the strollers, crouching down to give kisses on James and Jeremy's forehead. 

"Ready to meet your grandma?" Jeremy ignored his father and leaned back into his seat, securing his teddy bear around his tiny arms. James on the other hand was clapping his hand excitedly and babbling animatedly to his brother, maybe trying to hype Jeremy's spirit up with him. The tapping noise stopped abruptly and Jackson glanced up at Dustin, he started heading to the entrance near the end of the airport. 

B-14, Jackson focused his attention on the gate. It was obvious a few planes must have arrived simultaneously as there was a large crowd of people coming through. Jackson watched as a British man next to him greeted what must be his wife with a smooch on the lips and a hug while a group of Chinese tourists, their accents distinctively loud, were following a tour guide to their bus. It was hard to scan for his mother when there were so many people coming through the entrance, besides the last time Jackson saw his mother was four months ago.

His mother was a huge fashionista, four months could do a lot of damages on her style.


Jackson followed Dustin's finger but he couldn't see his mother, more people were waiting at arrivals and it was getting more difficult to see who was coming through. 


"The one in a black and white stripes sweater."

"No, she's-" His eyes widen, all the words got lost in his mouth and he couldn't believe the woman was his mother. Jackson saw the black and white stripes lady, but his head was telling him that his mother wouldn't wear such simple clothes that he overlooked her. Unkept silver hair with a hint of blonde. Tall in height. Skinny in weight. The woman looked so normal, she could just walk right into a crowd and disappear. 

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