Chapter 27

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My breath fans across the air as I lean against the wall, I look around and cut the corner hurrying into the safety of the shop. I let out a deep breath and lean against the door. It was hard enough to come here without being caught, I'm so paranoid Theo has men or people following me, but I made sure to look for any suspicious cars.

I open my eyes and scan across the familiar book shop, I hold onto my ribs and wince a little when I put pressure on them. Damn it, I just want them to heal already. It's Wednesday, six days after the initial accident and five days since Theo told me his plan for me and my family if he was ever found out.

I go to run my hand through my hair but the velcro from my brace gets tangled with the blonde stands. I use my other hand and pull each hair out, it being a little painful. The bald patch on my head, from my stitches, has hardly changed much, some peach fuzz has grown in but I keep it covered with headbands or pulling half of my hair up.

I turn, when I hear movement, to see Annie come out from around a black curtail off to the the side of the check-out counter. She looks over at me and instantly smiles with her golden brown eyes, for some reason I just noticed her eyes remind me of Vincent's, when he's calm and happy. It's hard to believe this woman is the same age as my Mother, but I suppose having to actually work your whole life ages a person... not to mention my Mothers touch ups.

I meet her half way and she wraps her arms around me gently "is he here?" I ask against her shoulder

"Of course" she says pulling back and pointing over her shoulder from where she came from

She lets me go and I hurriedly walk over to the black curtain, I walk through it and come to see Vincent leaned over in a chair, his leg shakes and his head rests in his hands, elbows on his knees.

His eyes shoot over to me and instantly brighten in the dimly lit room. He jumps up and we both walk hurriedly to each other. He wraps his strong arms around the upper part of my back, making sure not to touch my lower ribs and picks me up, swinging me through the air as he kisses my neck. I smile for the first time in a week and feel my heart swell.

"Fuck, I missed you" he says against my skin as he sets me down and leads me over to a seat

He sits down and props me up on his knee, my arms wrapped around neck as I lay across him, I hug his neck and lay my head on his chest "I missed you to"
He lays his hands on my hips and I pull back

"Let me see you" he says looking me over with my favourite smile
"You're still wearing your brace?" He asks holding up my hand and kissing over the material

"Sadly yes, I'll probably only wear it for another week" I tell him as we both look over my hand, you can't see the bruises and by now the swelling has gone down but my hand is a little discolored

When I look back up at Vincent I see him just staring at me "what?" I ask

"Nothing, I just-" he cuts himself off and brings his lips to mine

I smile against his lips and run my unbraced hand in his lush hair, a feeling I've missed. His lips as usual are minty, his tongue sweeps across my lower lips and I slip mine into his.

"Oh" I hear someone say and we both detach from each other to see Annie

I burry my head in his chest as both of them chuckle "you two are adorable" she says bringing over a plater of tea and cups

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