Chapter 25

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"Hi there Adeline" she says

I gasp quietly and look between my Husband and Amanda, please tell me this is some horrible nightmare. Theo looks at Amanda with a tilted head "how do you know her?" he asks turning his eyes to me

"We have a mutual friend" she says looking me up and down with disgust

"Who?" Theo asks promptly and annoyed, Amanda doesn't answer she simply pulls his head towards her and kisses his lips tenderly

I look away trying to contain my anger, first she takes Vincent away now she's one of my husbands sluts.

"Vincent King" she says smirking at him but looking at me once she finally pulls away from his lips

Theo's eyes turn to me and they grow dark with anger, slowly I see him put things together. I can practically see him thinking back on everything and finally he says "is that so?" He asks, vermin in his voice

"Oh you didn't know?" Amanda plays dumb and my body freezes

My heart thuds in my chest as she looks evilly down at me, my eyes beg her to stay quiet knowing that if she says anything everything will be ruined.

"Yeah her and Vincent are very good friends" she says

I slowly start to climb the stairs as Theo looks down at me, my heart pounding so hard against my ribs I swear they'll break "Amanda" I beg

"Yeah but don't worry Theo, he dumped her ass" she sneers

I gasp quietly holding on for dear life to the railing "what are you doing here?" I ask ignoring the daggers Theo is shooting at me

"Well me and Theo met at an event" she says caressing his hair and cheek with a wide smile "and I thought after I had finished up with Vincent I'd have some more fun" she says and kisses him again

My heart stops. Finished up with Vincent? What does that mean? Does it mean what I think it means? But what about what Annie said? Was all of that a lie too? My whole body feels as it did when I left him, heartbreak coursing through my chest. Tears form in my eyes and when there lips detach she looks down at me with approval at what her words did.

"You fucking bitch!" I scream "all you are is a dirty whore! That's the only reason why he wants you" I say referring to Theo

Why does this woman hate me so much? What did I do to her that makes her want to ruin every part of my life?

"Adeline go up stairs, we'll talk about your sluting around later" Theo sneers

I bow back "my sluting around? Are you kidding me?" Even through my heart is pounding in fear I can't hold back anymore "you sleep with a different woman every other night! Look at you right now! I'm sorry I found someone who I thought actually cared about me but don't worry honey all men are like you!" I scream "womanising lying dicks who's stone hearts could dry up a river!"

Both of them stare at me in shock at my outburst but I take a deep breath and try to keep my composure. But my mind goes back to when Amanda and Vincent were standing in that hallway and I can't help but say more.

"You know what" I sigh climbing the stairs "you two are perfect for each other and I'd be glad to leave you two alone to do whatever you plan on doing but first Theo" I say turning to him "I'd just like to tell you that I what a divorce"

Which BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora