Chapter 3

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"You look beautiful!" Sarah says smiling at me as I look in the mirror

"Thanks to you" I say with a smile

The strapless red dress hugs my body and it sparkles all over, especially when the light hits it. I haven't wore this one yet, it was a gift from my parents last Christmas. Not that I need more dresses but I can't help but say this dress is breath taking. It has a long slit cutting up my leg and stopping at mid thigh. My lipstick matches the red of the dress leaving the rest of my makeup simple. My hair is pulled half up, leaving my bangs to hang by the side of my face and the rest of my curled hair to fall off my shoulders.

"Mrs.Taylor" I hear Sofia say as the bedroom door closes

"In here!" I call out

I hear her footsteps, the small heel of her shoes clicking against the floor. I see her walk around the corner and her face lights up "oh mi señora, you look absolutely lovely" she tells me walking into the bathroom

"Thank you" I smile

"We can't forget the shoes!" Sarah says walking out of the bathroom in a hurry and me and Sofia laugh

She walks back in carrying silver heels with a strap on the ankle, she nods raising an eyebrow in question "perfect" I tell her

She smiles and walks over to me helping me put the finishing touches on the outfit.

"Mr.Taylor is ready" Sofia tells me

I pause from wiping the lipstick off the corner of my lips and sigh "alright" I say

I look down at my arm and the bruise is still there, shit I forgot about that. Sarah seems to notice "how about I grab a something to cover that up?" She asks and I nod without looking at her knowing both Sofia and Sarah have the same look of pity on there faces

She leaves the bathroom again and walks back in seconds later holding a black shawl, I smile gratefully and she wraps it over me. I let it hang on my arms, it doesn't really cover my bruises but it keeps my arms down so it'll have to do.

I go to step out but Sarah grabs me "have fun tonight? Ok?" She says with a hopeful smile

I nod "I'll try" I tell her

I wave to Sofia and she wishes me luck, I leave the two of them in the bathroom and I hurry out hoping Theo is being patient. I walk out and over to our bedroom but in the corner of my eye I see him by the front door. I turn from the bedroom and walk slowly down the stairs to him.

When I reach him I hesitantly look up, his blue eyes meet mine and he nods not saying a word. He's dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit, with a red tie to match my dress, his hair is as it usually is, spiked in the front. He opens the large door and I walk out after him, I pull the shawl closer to me, shivering in the chilly night.

Benjamin is already standing out in his usual tux and chauffeur hat, I smile at the older man and he smiles sympathetically at smiles falters. It feels like that's the only kind of smile I receive in this house now a' days

Theo slides in and I slip in next to him, lifting my dress a little making sure I don't trip or it doesn't drag on the ground. Benjamin shuts the door and soon we pull down the long manicured driveway, each side having plants and small trees lining the way.

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