"Hey, we're all messed up in some kind of way in here. People don't really judge here, only a few sobs. But I don't know about the staff, I feel like they judge you with their eyes." She laughs.

"So did you used to self harm too?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I did it on my wrists," She pulls up her sleeves and shows me her battle scars. "And on my stomach as well." She didn't show me her stomach though. "How about you?"

"Oh, uhh I did it on my wrist a few times, but mostly on my thighs because it was easier to hide."

"I agree with you there. People usually only check the wrists because its the most common."

"So how old are you?" I ask her.

"16, going to be 17 soon. You?"

"Just turned 18 last week."

"Lucky!" She gasps. "So you can discharge yourself out of here ya know." She smirked.

"Yeah, I know. But my boyfriend convinced me to get help. He just wants me to be happy again. And so do I."

"I wish I had your positivity haha."


"Hey Autumn, it's lunch time!" Lexi calls for me.

"Okay!" I respond back. I grab a hoodie and put it on quick. I was a little chilly.

I get up and we go into the cafeteria. There is a decent amount of people. At least it's not like school.

Then I just thought about school, damn, I'm going to miss the first month and a half of school. Shit. Oh well, hopefully Zach can try to help me catch up.

We get our trays and I try to pick low calorie things. But one of the rules I guess is that we at least have to have one higher calorie food.

Well, this totally sucks.

I just grab whatever and go and sit down at a table in the corner with Lexi.

"D-Do we have to eat all of it?" I ask.

She nods her head. "Yep!" She says, popping the 'P'

"You are right," I look at her with no expression. "This place does blow."

She starts laughing, right along with me.

All of a sudden a guard person or whatever you call these people that supervise you. We both stop laughing.

"You guys should eat more and laugh less." She looked at us in a weird way.

What a bitch.

"Yeah, Yeah, we're getting to it Lisa." Lexi swatted her hand, wanting Lisa to go away. She gave Lexi a look and walked off.

"Who was that?"

"That was Lisa, one of the nurses and supervisers for the eating disorder patients. She's a totally downer. Ugh I hate her." She says, looking disgusted.

"I see what you mean." I made a annoyed face.

"Yeah, she makes me wanna," Lexi said and took her pointer finger and pointed to her open mouth with her tongue sticking out. Making it look like she was gagging.

We laughed and I noded, agreeing with her. Then we seen Lisa glair at us from across the cafeteria.

We immediately stopped laughing. Then when she looked away, we look at each other again and start laughing again, but this time, much more quietly.

I really didn't want to eat this. But Lexi says you have to be here a long time and be very sneaky in order to get out of eating. Because the staff here watches us likes hawks, but not all the time.

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Where stories live. Discover now