Chapter 24

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This might be the last update for a little while.

Hope you guys like it! Take care.

xoxo, Shawnaaa (: xx


*Zach's POV*

I wake up to a beep. I look at my phone and see that the tracker app finally located where the number is at. Oh my god! I just realized it's been 2 days. Jesus. I have to hurry.

I look at where the location is at. It sounds a little familiar. Then I realize it's right near that peer that me and Autumn went to a couple of days ago.

I jump out of bed and get dressed and what not. I go to Carlos's room and ask if I can borrow the van quickly. I tell him me and Autumn have to go get something. He says ok and I'm off in a flash.

No one knows that Autumn is missing. They still think that she's with me. I just told them she's been sick so thats why she hasnt been out of the room for a couple of days.

I get in the van and turn on the GPS. And I drive off. I just hope I make it in time. Oh Autumn, please be okay.

*Autumn's POV*

Perrie starts to walk towards us, I shiver with fear. My knees shake and my breathing becomes unbalanced.

"Umm, no where mum, I was just uhh..." Emily trails off.

"Yeah, you ain't foolin no one! Now sit your ass back down and chain her back up!" Perrie spats.

"N-No mum! I'm sick of you and all your cruel behavior. I'm done!" She still has my hand and tries to make a run for the door.

"Oh no you don't!" Perrie yells and gets to Emily first and slaps her in the face. There is now a red mark on her cheek.

I gasp.

"And you..." Perrie's blood boils. "Your stupid mother and your stupid family have ruined my life. Zayn was mine and that little wench fucked it up! I should just kill you right now..." She stepped closer.

"Get away from me!" I yelled and took a step back. I then seen Emily get up from the floor.

"Now I'm gonna show little Melody just how much pain she's caused me.. say goodbye sweetheart." Perrie smirked. She got closer. I had no where to go. I panicked.

"NO!" Emily screamed. She pushed me out of the way and I fell to the floor. I didn't have time to see what had happened to Emily.

All I knew was is that she was hurt and she saved me from Perrie, her mum. I spotted a old tall lamp near the corner. I got up fast and grabbed it.

Before Perrie could see what I was doing, I came up from behind her and bashed her in the head with the lamp. Breaking the lightbulb as it came in contact with her head. As well as the whole lamp shattering.

Perrie fell to the floor. I had knocked her out. I breath a sigh of relief. Then move my attention towards Emily.

I run over to her. She's still on the floor, but conscious at least. She's grasping her stomach and hissing in pain.

I kneel down to her. "What happened?" I ask, shaking.

She doesn't respond. Probably in too much pain.

I lift her hand up from her stomach and see blood soaking through the shirt and it's ripped.

I pray to god she didn't get stabbed. I lift her shirt up slowly and she flinches. "Sorry." I say, scared.

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Where stories live. Discover now