Chapter 22

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Shoutout to my cat! It's his birthday today (July 13th). Happy 9th birthday baby! I miss and love you. x


Oh by the way, One Direction is coming to my city on Thursday July 18th. And sadly, I will not be going. It's been sold out for a long time, plus all the other tickets that other sites are selling are just to much money. It sucks when you're poor and One Direction saved your life and you don't even get to go to the concert. I'm so fucking sad right now. I always will be because I just know I will never get this chance again, because I have a feeling I will be dead before they come here again. And if I even have enough money then, which I won't. *Sigh*

Fuck my pathetic useless life.... /:


*Third Person POV*

Autumn woke up to the sound of Zach. "Happy Birthday Auts!" He says and leans down and kisses her.

"Oh, hi there Zachy." She chuckles. "And thanks."  She smiles.

"I got you breakfast love."

"Oh." She replied.

"Whats wrong?"

"N-Nothing it's just-" Autumn hisses in pain and she holds her stomach. Zach didn't look convinced. He went over beside her on the bed.

"I got you a muffin. And I put a candle in it. Make a wish!" Autumn thought of a wish. 'I wish I was my old self again.' She said in her head. She then quickly blew the candle out.

She grabbed it off the tray. She stared it down before taking a bit out of it, chewing, and swallowing.

Autumn took another bite and suddenly looked at Zach with a frown. She looked like she was about to cry. She shook her head, obviously upset.

"Sorry," She croaked, and got up and darting towards the bathroom and emptying the contents of her stomach into the toliet bowl.

Zach shot up right after her, worriness spread across his sweet, and innocent face. Once she was done, which was only about 20 seconds, she turned around and tried to stand up.

She failed and stumbled. Zach was right there and caught her before she could make contact with the floor. He looked down at her, in his arms, leaned up against his chest. "Auts?" He said barely above a whisper.

Her eyes were half closed. She squinted a couple of times though. Zach was star struck. He didn't know how to handle the situation, or couldnt grasp what was specifically wrong with her.

Zach could feel her abnormal heartbeat. At that moment Zach started to panic, well, in his mind he did. Before Zach could say anything, he heard Autumn speak.

"Zach, I- I'm-"

"It's okay babe, I'm here." He said quietly, stroking her head.

A part of Zach's t-shirt was now soaked with tears. She had been silently crying. He could tell by the wet part of his shirt, where Autumn's head lay, and by the sniffling.

"I didn't m-mean t-to." She choked out.

"Just tell me what happend butterfly." He lifted her chin up with his thumb and pointer finger.

"I-I'm just weak." Tears falling from her eyes. "I can't even keep down food like a normal p-person... I'm a freak!" She cried hysterically, burying her face back into his chest.

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora