Chapter 25

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Got in one more update! Enjoy! :D xx


*Emily's POV*

Why is she doing this to herself?

Oh wait.

Because of me most likely. God, I wish I would have ever done any of those things to her!! But If I wouldn't have, then I'd probably be dead right now. UGH!

I'm gonna go check on her. I walk upstairs and knock on her door. "Yep." She says. I walk in.

"You okay hun?"

"Yes, I am perfect. Okay?!" She seems irritated. Maybe I should just leave her alone for now.

"Okay, well I'm gonna head down to Forever 21 and fill out an application. So hopefully I can get a job and start saving up. And I could use some new clothes. Because yours don't fit me. But I'll see you later, k?" I smiled, trying to cheer her up a little.


Guess that didn't work. I sigh and leave and go catch the bus.

I don't want Autumn to be upset from the confrontation at breakfast this morning. I decided to text Zach.

I gave Autumn and Zach my number so we could get a hold of each other if we ever needed to. I think I need to right now.

Hey Zach, It's Emily.

Umm, do u think u can go visit autumn today? I think she's feeling down. :(

About 7 minutes or so, I got a text back.

Hey, and sure. Wat happened?

I texted him back.

Oh, just a little misunderstanding. She's just very to herself. And I worry...

I wait for the reply.

Ok thanks for telling me Emily. I'll head over there now. bye (:

I respond

bye! =)


*Zach's POV*

I wonder whats up. I hope everything's okay. I head over to Autumn's and knock on the door.

No answer.

Hmm, I knock again and still nothing.

Well I mean, I'm practically family to them so I guess I'll just walk in. I lock the door behind me.

I look around and no one appears to be home.

I go to Autumn's room and she's on her bed, writing.

"Hey butterfly." I give a cheeky smile.

"Hey." She smiles back. But the smile doesn't quite meet her eyes.

I walk over to her and sit on her bed with her.

"Where's your parents?"

"At work." She says, still writing, and drawing in a pad it appears.

"Oh, okay." I say casually. "So, whatcha doin?"

"Oh, not much, just drawing a little and writing a short poem.

"Can I see?" I asked. She looked at me a minute before nodding and handing me the journal. But keeping the pad.


I wish I wasn't alive.


I've changed so much, now since then.

Cuts and bruises fill my skin.

I don't eat for days so I'll be thin.

"Are you okay?" 'I'm fine' I lied.

They realized I wasn't when I commited suicide.

I looked up at her. "Is this really how you feel babe?" I tucked her hair behind her ears.

She shrugged at the question.


"I don't know, okay?"

"How do you not know?"

"I... I don't know!!" She sounded frustrated. I sighed.

"Tired?" I asked. She nodded. I took her journal and pad and whatever else that was on the bed and  put it on her desk. I took my shoes off and climbed into bed with her.

I pulled her close to me, while under the covers with her. Her back against my chest and stomach.

I held her close to me. I seen a single tear trail down her cheek. I kissed it. I seen her lips curl into a  light smile. I smiled at that.

I figured we would just take a nap. "Love you Zachy," I heard Autumn mumble.

"I love you too butterfly." I said quietly and kissed her forhead. We both fell asleep.


I woke up about an hour later. Autumn was still in the same position. But she was curled up a bit more. Should I wake her?

I want to cheer her up and maybe we can go do something together. A walk in the park, a picnic? I don't know. But I decide to anyway.

I shake her a little bit. "Auts,"

No answer. I try again. Saying her name a little louder this time, now in a normal tone.

"Butterfly..." I say in a concerned voice.


I frown.

"Haha, okay nice joke. Now come on..."


"This isn't funny anymore Autumn Marie!!" I say, my voice louder..

I start to get really scared. I'm shaking her kind of rough. And she's not responding at all.

I start breathing fast. I don't want to even think that way, but I have to make sure.

She's really still... I put two fingers up to her neck to check her pulse. I can't find it.

I check her wrists and still nothing. Maybe I just didn't look in the right places.... NO WAIT OF COURSE I DID. I'M IN DENIAL.

I pull her over close to me and lift up her shirt to see if her stomach and or chest is moving.

It wasn't. And her ribs were sticking out so much more than before and I almost threw up at the sight. How could I let her get to this point? I start to tear up.

I put my ear against her chest, waiting to hear the heartbeat.

That's when my heart stopped. Because I realized that her's already had.

She had no pulse.

She was dead.

Let Me Go [Sequel to Lost, Hopeless, and Destroyed]Where stories live. Discover now