In the Hallway

Khushi and Madhu are going around in circles, quite agitated. Round and round they go in frustration till they can't take it anymore. They stop and look at the door.

Khushi (biting her fingernails): We should go in there...

Madhu: Yes! I agree...who knows what nonsense they are filling in our angel's head!

Khushi: Ok...that's it...let's go in!

They start walking towards the family room when the door swings open. Arnav, RK and Tara step out.

Arnav (to RK): Seems like we came right on the nick of time...

RK (to Arnav): Aahaan...our Shernis were getting ready to launch an attack.

Khushi (extremely offended): Excuse me?!?

Madhu (equally offended): We are NOT YOUR Shernis!

RK (cheerfully): Sure you are...right Arnav?

Arnav (equally cheerful): Yep...OUR Shernis!

Madhu: Uggh...cut the...uggh! (To Tara) Babyta...what did they say to you?

Khushi (to Tara): mama and mima...what did they say? What happened in there? Did they hurt your feelings?

Tara (giggling): Mama...mima...They are not Rakshas and Janwar. My daddy and Superstar are awesome! They ARE sweeeeeetttt!

The boys grin as their Shernis look aghast. Sweet? What the...!

Tara: Daddy...pick me up from school tomorrow and then we'll go to the park. have to come to the park too!

Khushi (aghast): What the...!

Madhu: But...but...sweetie Nan Nan picks you up everyday...

Arnav (ignoring the ladies): Of course baby...I will pick you up from school. Mmm...where do you go to school?

Tara (giggling): Silly daddy...give me your phone.

Arnav gives her his iPhone. She quickly types in some information and hands it back to her daddy.

Tara: I put in my school address and my phone number. (Giggling) Now we call and text each other anytime we want.

Khushi: Baby! You're supposed to use your cell phone only for emergency.

Tara: Yes mama. And for family too...since daddy is family...I can call and text him anytime.

Arnav (smiling): That's my girl!

RK (pouts and hands Tara his iPhone): Don't I count as family?

Tara (giggles taking the phone): Of course...Superstar...I love you. You can totally have my number.

She quickly types in her phone number and hands it back to RK.

Madhu: This is madness!

RK (grinning): She's a smart girl...she loves us.

Khushi (makes a face): to bed missy. It's way past bedtime.

Tara signals Arnav and RK to lower their head. She sweetly kisses each of their cheeks and they slather her with kisses as she giggles.

Arnav: Good night baby. See you tomorrow.

RK: Sleep tight my little Star.

Tara kisses her mama and mima and she walks upstairs for sweet dreams.

Arnav (to RK): Thanks again for telling me about her.

RK: Anytime dude.

Madhu (sarcastic): Awww...listen to them bond.

Khushi (sarcastic): Let's hope they don't go Brokeback Mountain.

Madhu: Go on drinking boys...and leave us alone.

Khushi: Go celebrate your new BOND...

Arnav (to RK): That's not a bad idea...

RK: Aahaan...let's go to Royalty...excellent scotch.

They keep talking and walk out of the house. Leaving their ladies completely flustered. Did the Rakshas and Janwar just ignore them? What the...! How dare they?!? They barge in, disturb their night and walk out as if everything is right in the world! Sighing, Madhu approaches the front door to close but RK pokes his head in.

RK: Ohh...Biwi...your Lovely Singh twins are back and will follow you like the shadow. Don't even try to trick them this time...or I'll carry you kicking and screaming to where YOU ACTUALLY belong, by my side, in my house. Goodnight sweetheart! Sleep tight...

Madhu slams the door shut in his face.

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