Chapter Twenty-One: Fireworks

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***3rd POV***

The Fellowship awaited anxiously for news of Oriana's condition. The lamenting song for Gandalf that flowed about helped not at all. They all mourned for the Grey Pilgrim.

Legolas walked back from getting water, Sam was going on about how the song should include Gandalf's fireworks.

Everyone in the Fellowship stopped breathing for a moment when a rocket fired from the side of camp, going off above them. It exploded into violet butterflies that fluttered about the camp, flecks of gold light sprinkled down.

Legolas was the first to look to its direction of origin. There stood Oriana in a white gown, with separate sleeves that flowed all the way to the ground. Her snow colored hair was shining as always, like moonlight. Her shoulders and forearms were bandaged. Under her dress, most of her body has been lightly burned, but nothing horrible. Healing would have her back to herself in no time.

The hobbits gasped at her and went running. "Wait! No hugs, she is an injured maiden. You kiss her hand. Like so." Pippin informed, taking her left hand gently and kissing her knuckles.

Oriana smiled wryly at the gesture the hobbits made. She bowed. When she looked up again Legolas was walking to her with Aragorn and Boromir close behind.

"You are the most reckless woman-" Legolas was about to scold her when she held up a hand to silence him.

She looked up at him and took his left hand. "-and you were worried about me...I was worried too. Believe me." She said with a sad smile.

He bit back what he wanted to say...which was everything. He did the only thing he thought may help. He cupped her left cheek with his right hand and kissed his forehead. It said what needed said...

Oriana smiled again. "I saved a firework from Gandalf's last visit to me in Lothlorien, in my home. I heard what my mother said as well...we leave tomorrow. Though the grief I feel wounds me even still...far more than my physical injury." She said as tears gathered in her eyes.

"And you are absolutely right, Samwise...his fireworks should be in the song." She said as her tears finally fell.

Everyone smiled. Oriana looked to Boromir..she knew of the darkness growing in his mind. "I will not allow your people to fall...not ever. The White City is far too fair a place in the spring to fall to ruin." She joked and managed to earn a laugh from everyone. "We will save Gondor...I did not get tossed by a Balrog to give up." She extended a hand to him, letting go of Legolas'.

Boromir was shocked, but smiled. He shook her hand. "I would be happier, but we still mourn the loss of Gandalf." He said with a smile that soon faded.

Oriana had a thought. "Then stop...Gandalf should be celebrated. Rejoice in the good times with him, not sadness! Why not do as the men of Rohan do? The dwarves of Erebor! Celebrate the ones we lose...because there will come a day when you will join them again! I would not have survived in the Lonely Mountain if not for my memories of friends!" She said, trying to lift their spirits, it seemed to be working...if only a little.

"Legolas! Do you remeber when Gandalf came to Greenwood when we were young? He brought a hoard of fireworks for the Feast of Starlight! It was as if the night sky gained a trillion more stars that night! Beorn himself claimed to have seen the sky alight as if there were an early dawn of every other moment! In every color!" She said, her own heart raising at the thought.

Legolas chuckled, as most of the others. "And you Frodo! When you were very small, I visited the Shire for what your people call Christmas. Gandalf showed up in the queerest robes I had ever seen in all my days. He pretended to be your Santa Claus, promising to get you whatever you wanted! The very next day he showed up with a sleigh and reindeer...and he took you for a ride around to the Market and back." She said, tossling the hobbit's dark chocolate curls.

"No...that was the real Santa. He promised on his beard." Pippin corrected, sounding so sure.

Everyone laughed and the grief was gone...she had done well...

(I picture hobbits celebrating Christmas, all huddling into their holes with friends to escape the cold and exchange gifts. Cute idea, no?)

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