Chapter Twenty: Goodbye Old Friend

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***3rd POV***

The Fellowship entered the long dark of Moria, upon reaching the Great market halls, they discovered Balin's tomb. Oriana was heart broken, but kept it to herself...

Pippin knocked a skeleton down a dry well, alerting the orcs of Moria to their presence. They were forced to fight and run, eventually being trapped, completely encircled by orcs and goblins.

Oriana and Gimli stood back to back, more than ready to kill their way out. "Just say the word, Gandalf!" Gimli growled. "Aye, I'll take the five hundred on the right! You take the left, Oriana?!" He said excitedly.

She put her bow on her back, drawing her sword. "These filth will taste my blade...a white hot fury." She said darkly. "Forgive me, Valar...for I will sin in taking joy from their deaths." She prayed quietly, studying every horrible face before her.

Her heart stopped in her chest when she felt a dark presence not one hundred yards from them. She looked to the end of the hall as the orcs fled back into their holes.

A bright orange glow eminated through the pillars and she knew. "No...not now." She mumbled as her eyes widened in fear. "This is beyond any dragon I have faced." She felt the very light leave her soul...she was fading already.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir asked cautiously.

Oriana raised her sword...ready to fight. "Gandalf, let me do this." She said, her time was terrifying. "I am the only one who might do this...let me slay it." She demanded.

"It is a Balroc of is too much for even you, my Lady. RUN!" Gandalf barked and they took off running...she reluctantly followed.


The Fellowship reached the Bridge of Khaza-Dum...Oriana needed to buy them time. She stopped Legolas and kissed his cheek, she offered a final smile. "Forgive me." She said quickly and turned back, running.

"No! Oriana!" Legolas tried to follow, but Gandalf already blocked the bridge.

She charged and the Balroc, trying to block the blow of its fiery blade. The heat of its sword cut through her own blade like butter. She gasped when a clawed hand came quickly and grabbed around her waist. The Balroc lifted her off the ground and roared in her face. Her clothes began to burn...nearing her flesh.

"NO!!!" She heard Merry and Pippin scream...she smirked at the Balroc before drawing a dagger from her quiver in an instant and stabbing the Balroc in its left eye. It shrieked a horrid cry of agony and threw her, all the way across the hall. Oriana hit the ground and slid the second half of the way across the bridge passed Gandalf.

Her singed clothes revealed burned grip marks over her waist and legs. Her clothes were in ruins. Smoke rose from her as Legolas sprinted to her side. Without a thought he picked her up and ran up the stairs.

He turned back only for a moment to see Gandalf fall, Oriana saw it as well...just before consciousness left her and she blacked out...


Legolas ran outside and set her down on the stony earth. ", no, no..." He mumbled as he checked her pulse at her neck.

Aragorn knelt beside her. "Legolas, we must get her to Lothlorien. If we do not hurry, she will die...even then, I do not know." Aragorn said grimly, in elvish to spare the hobbits.

The hobbits were crying nonetheless. "Is Miss Oriana going to be alright?" Pippin asked as they hurried over.

"I don't know, Pippin...but we shall do what we can to save her...just as she did for us." Aragorn said and Legolas scooped her up in his arms again.

They got moving, Legolas ran the if the worry and fear in his mind were chasing him to take her away...


Haldir was on patrol when he heard talking, feet crushing through leaves with haste. He rushed with his men to an ambush position...only he called it off when he saw Legolas Greenleaf, carrying his betrothed, Oriana, in his arms...burnt and limp.

Legolas stopped in front of Haldir. "Please...she is dieing. We must get her to a healer." Legolas pleaded.

Haldir was stunned to see all of the people that were with him. "Yes, hurry! The Lady Galadriel is expecting you...but she did not see this." Haldir let them pass. He prayed for their sake that Oriana was not already dead...

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