Chapter Five: Goodbye

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***3rd POV***

Oriana walked through the Market, her guards close behind. She needed a new dress for the evening's banquet.

"My Lady!" Someone called out. She turned to see Thorin walking to her. He was smiling. She managed a small one.

"Good morning, mellon nin." She greeted as he chose to walk with her.

Thorin breathed like he had been running for his life. He cleared his throat when she gave him a worried look. "I apologize, I was looking for you. I went to your chambers, but you weren't there. I had to ask four different guards before they told me that you were shopping. I must look like a fool." He said as he calmed his breath.

Oriana giggled. "There is no trouble, Thorin. You were quite inebriated last night. Do you even recall the party?" She teased.

He nodded. "I remember my dream..." He said quietly, she knew what he meant. "Find me tonight on the ramparts. Where we spoke last night. I-...I wish to ask you something." He said with nervousness in his tone before he kissed her knuckles gently and ran off again as quickly as he came.

"Princess...what does that dwarf seek from you?" One of her guards, Feren, asked cautiously in elvish.

Oriana remained in her slight daze. "I believe that he loves me." She replied quietly.

"Does he forget that your are immortal? For a mortal man, be it a dwarf or love an elf is a painful love. You will out live him by forever, my Lady." Her second guard, Meludir said grimly.

" Her second guard, Meludir said grimly

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"I dare not look into his mind, Meludir. I will speak to him later...I merely do not understand." Oriana said. "But enough about Princes, I just need my dress...I swear I'm going mad." She sighed heavily and they continued walking.


Oriana had just finished her fitting for a white gown, her hair had white baby blue beads braided in...when she felt something in her mind. Something very large was old foe.

Her breath picked up and she took off running out of her chambers. "Feren! Meludir!" She called. They were with her in seconds. "I need you both to go warn Thranduil! I have to find Thorin!" She said frantically, turning and running.

"My Lady! What is coming?!" Feren shouted.

"It's a dragon." She said curtly, briefly turning back with a terrified expression.

She got out into the main cavern hall and took a deep breath. "DRAGON!!!!!" She screamed and it echoed through the halls.


At the King's throne, Thorin, Thror and Thrain heard the desperate scream echo and reverberate off of every wall.

"Oriana...?" Thorin thought aloud as he felt his heart pick up pace.

Without a thought, he ran for her chambers. He finally saw her when he reached the entrance to her corridor...she was on the other side of the cavernous hall, running to the gates, wearing a gown that almost made her look like a bride.

He needed to get to her...


Oriana ran up on to the ramparts, the winds were whipping her hair about her face, the banners were breaking from their poles and flying away.

"Oriana!" Balin came running with Thorin. "What's going on?!" Balin asked.

"It's a dragon...I sent my men to warn Thranduil, but I pray that this isn't my old enemy." Oriana's eyes were full of fear as she looked out at Dale.

"What enemy? What do you mean?!" Thorin walked up to her and took her hand, it forced her to look at him.

She clenched her eyes shut when she caught the scent on the wind. "Smaug...he's come for the Mountain. He's the one Dragon that ever got away from me." Oriana pried her hand from Thorin's. Her fearful face turned to anger and rage.

"Ori-" She cut Thorin off by hugging him. She kissed his cheek and held his shoulders.

"You may have to wait for that dance. Protect your people, Thorin...forgive me." She said. Thorin had never felt more fear than the moment when she smiled at him for a moment. "Goodbye." She said quickly before shoving him and Balin behind a pillar.

She looked up just as the red drake came into view. Smaug trained his golden eyes on her in a second. "Smaug!!! Leave them! Your fight is with me!!!" She bellowed and the Dragon cackled.

He scooped her up in the claws of his left hand. "No...I think I'll take this hoard and keep you for a trophy...Lorien Princess....the Dragon Slayer!" Smaug growled...Dale was already burning.

Oriana screamed as Smaug belted fire at the gates. He crashed through the doors, still carrying her...she believed that he would crush her.

The last time Thorin heard her voice...was when she was screaming out his name for help...

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