Chapter Thirteen: The Day Is Won

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***3rd POV***

The fight was over...Legolas killed Bolg. The armies of orcs were being decimated.

Oriana had been wounded to save Thorin. An orc blade, it pierced her right shoulder, but she would live. Her bruised ribs and broken leg tried to tell her otherwise...

"Oriana! You fool!" Thorin shouted as he ran to her. He held pressure to her shoulder, she hissed through a laugh.

"Sixty years and I am being yelled at. Quite the greeting, Thorin." She said, pushing him away, forcing herself to sit up against a stone wall. She ripped a piece of cloth from her tunic, holding pressure properly.

"It seems you found a sense of humor." He chuckled wryly.

"It would seem that way...a few broken bones too, but I shall always, my friend." She said and he kissed her forehead.

"I have wanted to tell you-...sixty years ago, when you came to Erebor, I-...I fell. You made me fall...and I fell hard. It was only a day with you, but that was all I needed to know how I felt." He said and Oriana blushed, her eyes going wide as he took her hand.

"I have loved you all that feeling did not fade, no matter how hard I fought it back. Every day you were on my mind, Oriana. I love you." He said with a sad smile.

She knew what he was thinking and tears began to slip down her cheeks, her eyes clenched shut. "In another life...I would have never let you go. Never...but we both have duties to our people. I know that you understand this." He said, on the edge of tears himself.

"I love you too, much." She took her hand back and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her waist, her free arm around his shoulders.

"The Valar are not fair." Thorin mumbled into her neck.

"Neither is Mahal." She laughed through her suppressed sobs.

Thorin drew back and cupped her right cheek, wiping away her tears. "Might I steal that kiss now...?" He chuckled, tears rolling.

She giggled and pulled him in by his shirt collar, kissing him with what passion she could muster...she was bleeding out after all. He returned it and smiled into the kiss...


Legolas came out of the tunnels, having talked to his father, to see Thorin helping Oriana up. Both of them were smiling and laughing. Then Legolas saw her ankle and all of the blood.

He rushed over. "Ah, it's you." Thorin said, still happy. "I need to round up my men to do some throat cutting. These bastards aren't getting away..." Thorin growled for a moment. "Take Oriana to one of your elvish healers. If she is harmed, I will find you, and I will kill you." Thorin was trying to be courteous.

Legolas nodded and Oriana limped to him. He tied a turnicate on her shoulder, then wrapped her right arm around his neck and sweeping her into his arms.

Thorin turned to leave. "Oakenshield!" Legolas called. Thorin looked over his shoulder. "Thank you for freeing my Princess." Legolas bowed his head before turning and running in the direction of Dale.

Thorin chuckled. "Take care of her...flighty fairy." Thorin said quietly before going to find Bilbo...he no longer wanted the throne...


Oriana was being forced to rest after her healing. The magic was powerful and painful, it took a lot of energy from the injured party. She wore a loose tunic of faded color, having once been violet. A blanket covering her legs.

Legolas sat on the ground beside her cot. He was holding her left hand, sitting on that side. "Where will you go when you can walk?" Legolas asked in elvish.

Oriana looked at him with sleepy eyes and a soft smile. He returned it. "That depends..." She mumbled in her dazed condition.

"Upon what, my Lady?" He asked, quite amused to see her looking such a silly way.

She turned on her side and he brushed some of her white hair from her face, pushing it behind her pointed ear. His hand remained on her cheek. Her right hand fell over the one that cupped her cheek, she kissed his palm. This brought a bit of heat to his features...he did not know what it meant.

"How angry is my mother?" She asked, Legolas couldn't suppress a small snicker, then she giggled...they both ended up laughing until it hurt...

It mostly hurt Oriana because her ribs still ached...

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