Chapter Three: Escort

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***3rd POV***

Thorin asked Oriana to meet him at the evening's banquet. There were three parties before Durin's Day, three days of merriment. Oriana was hoping to actually have fun for once.

Her guards were sent to the market to retrieve a gown for her. A dark blue, silk gown, with warm layers and a cotton lining. A black waist belt made the blue stand out more. She still wore her white crown, but dwarvish hand maidens insisted on braiding her snow white hair.

 She still wore her white crown, but dwarvish hand maidens insisted on braiding her snow white hair

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(just imagine that it's white, mmkay?)

She adored the complicated braids and beads they put in her hair.

The dwarf women kept chattering over how Thorin seems to have taken a shine to her. He would be her escort for the evening, her guards were allowed to enjoy the party.

Oriana walked out of her chamber to be met with Thorin who had been waiting. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"To join a party of music, dancing, beer and food...why not?" He chuckled and they got walking to the festivities.

"Are there any traditions that I should be aware of? So I do not embarrass myself?" Oriana asked, looking down at him she really wasn't much taller. Only being a meager five foot, seven inches. She was short for an elvish woman.

"Well, you are the guest of honor...and there are many complicated rituals and regulations to follow. Stepping out of line for even a moment may mean you eternal damnation to the kingdom of Erebor." He said dramatically.

Oriana felt a small pang of nervousness, straightening her shoulders more, taking a deep breath. She lowered her gaze to the floor.

"Or not." Thorin said with a shrug, smiling. Her gaze snapped back to him with wide eyes. "You only have to dance with me. A very important task. It's mandatory, you know?" He joked.

"That was not amusing, Thorin." Oriana said with a hurt tone. She truthfully didn't know much about dwarves.

"It was only a goal for this evening is to see you smile at least once. If I can make you laugh...then all the better." He chuckled and they reached the party.

The whole of the Great Hall was decked out with tables, banners on the killers, streamers, the bright torches filled the room with golden light. Everyone was happy, drinking dancing, laughing...loving so very openly. Oriana caught a glimpse of a man and woman kissing in public. She couldn't stop herself from blushing.

"I have slain dragons...but never have I seen a display such as this." She said, her voice full of awe, her mouth slightly agape, her eyes were wonder filled. "How are you all so open? To elves, displays of affection in public are immoral...yet, you all touch and love this...normal?" She asked as she took in the sight.

"What do you mean?" Thorin asked.

"I mean that elves do not even hug, as you call it, in public...much less kiss or...speak so publicly about affection. Is this average for a dwarvish gathering...?" She asked, Thorin couldn't stop grinning.

"Only on Wednesdays." He said with a sly grin...Oriana was less than pleased.

"I don't understand!" Her tone was between anger and frustration. "You flatter me, then you mock me. Why do you jest when I am lost in a place I do not know?!" She snapped.

He snickered before quickly calming himself, seeing that she was becoming upset. "Alright, alright, Oriana...take a breath and I'll show you the way. Oh! Over here, I'll introduce you to a couple of my kin. The teller one may be a bit brash, but his brother is kind." Thorin said, taking her hand and leading her over to his friends.

One was a tall dwarf, the same height as Thorin, bearing many tattoos and the cartilage of his ears were pierced. His beard was longer than Thorin's, and he had a mohawk on his head. His younger brother stood beside him, with brown and silver hair, pulled back in a half braid, his beard was longer than either dwarf, coming down in the shape of a fish tail.

"Ah, this is the maiden you turned down the whole kingdom for? She's a petit thing, isn't she, brother?" The one with the mohawk nudged his brother.

"Not my taste, brother. Though she is very fair." He replied, kissing her knuckles, making her blush a bit.

"Enough, men. This is Princess Oriana of Lothlorien...I am her escort this evening." Thorin said, gesturing to her. He gestured to his friends. "Meet my life long friends, Balin and Dwalin. They're ridiculous." Thorin smirked at his friends, messing with them.

Oriana bowed. "It is an honor to meet you both. I pray that I do not get lost in these halls, I might never find my way again." She said with a faint smile and a bow.

"It's fun to get lost if you're drunk." Dwalin laughed.

"Can you handle your drink, lass?" Balin asked.

Oriana had never truly drank before. "I recall times on the Feast of Starlight...I would snatch a couple of wine bottles from Thranduil's vast store. I never liked parties, so I would merely wander the paths with my friend Legolas. I've never been drunk however." She explained.

The dwarves laughed. "We must change that!" Dwalin laughed.

"Agreed. Are you up for a game? Thorin? Oriana?" Balin asked.

Why not?

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