Chapter Eight: Freedom

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***3rd POV***

Thorin left Lake Town for the Mountain, leaving Fili, Kili, Oin and Bofur behind. They would have been killed if not for Legolas and Tauriel arriving when they did.

Tauriel wanted to help Kili...he was dying. Legolas walked back into the house from the balcony. "Oakenshield has gone...if he manages to kill that dragon, he may also save Oriana. Tauriel-" Legolas was cut off by little Tilda speaking up.

"Lady Oriana is real...? Like in the fairy tales...?" She asked in wonder.

Legolas looked to the little girl. "What do you know of her?" He asked.

Bain stood behind his sister. "That-...that she is the fairest of any elf maiden! She dwells in the Mountain as the dragon's finest prize...fairer than the Arkenstone itself. The people of Lake Town say that they hear her singing...I've heard her, my Lord! She sings of love and her lost Prince. Can the elves not hear her?" Bain asked, still in shock from the fight.

Legolas' eyes widened, his spark of hope grew to a flame. A flame for that there was a chance...that he might be that Prince...


Thorin opened the door hours earlier. Bilbo walked in alone...

He searched through the gold...until he saw something. He looked up to a walk way just above him. There stood a beautiful girl, with gleaming white hair, tumbling down, nearly to the floor. She wore the remnants of what was once a white gown. It was now faded and ripped to rags, still covering her however. Her hands were behind her back, her feet were bare.

Her gleaming eyes boared into the Hobbit with curiosity and concern. "You are Bilbo Baggins...of the Shire Folk?" She asked with an angelic voice that stunned him.

He quickly nodded, a shocked look on his face. "Yes, and-...a-and are you Oriana...? The Princess that stole Thorin Oakenshield's heart in a single day...?" He smiled and she raised a brow at him.

"Yes...I suppose that we both are burglars, Master Baggins. I would warn you about the precious thing you carry...but you will not listen. You have already killed for it...large insect or not. A death is a death." She said in monotone.

Bilbo was silent. "I know what you seek here, little one...I have kept it safe. Now you must keep it from Thorin." She stepped off the ledge and landed silently on the gold in front of Bilbo...she held out the Arkenstone to him.

"Swear to me...for I must leave you now." She pleaded and put the stone in his hands, piercing his very soul with her gaze.

Bilbo nodded nervously and she smiled softly.

Good...then may the blessing of the Valar go with you, Bilbo Baggins of the Shire...

Bilbo heard her speaking in his mind and he froze. She kissed his forehead, then before Bilbo knew it...she was gone.


Oriana left the Mountain through the door after the dwarves charged in...she had a black arrow, along with her sword and bow. She remained in her tattered dress, feet still bare.

The fresh air seemed a drug to her, the smell of Dragon was a distant thing now. She put aside her own feeling, her wanting to see Thorin again and she simply sat down before the doors of Erebor. Waiting for Smaug to come out and play...

She laid back on the cool grass and looked up at the stars for the first time in sixty years. She would need help after Smaug was dead, she knew what was coming...she called for Legolas.


Legolas had just fought Bolg. He wiped the blood from his nose. Then he heard it.

Legolas...I'm free, but I need your help. Go to Dolgüldor, an army is gathering well as in Gundabad. The flames of war are coming, mellon nin. Ready yourself...

He heard every word and he forgot his pain...he smirked, the enemy was in for a difficult fight now that she has returned.

He got running to the stables, taking a white horse and riding after Bolg. He would not let her down...

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