Chapter Eleven: Banished

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***3rd POV***

Oriana walked with Legolas toward his horse. "What did you see out there?" Oriana asked.

"The orc I pursued out of Lake Town. I know who he is. Bolg...the spawn of Azog the Defiler. A warg pack was waiting for him on the outskirts of Esgaroth. They fled into the north. These orcs were different from the others." He explained as they passed human men, carrying wounded.

"They wore a mark I have not seen in a long time..." Legolas stopped walking and looked down at her. "The mark of Gundabad." Legolas informed grimly.

"Gundabad...? I thought we cleared that place ages ago?" Oriana questioned.

"Apparently, they have moved back in. The orc stronghold in the far north of the Misty Mountains...a horrible place." He grimaced and Oriana put a hand on his shoulder, offering a reassuring smile.

This small gesture suprised him greatly... "My Lord, Legolas..." Feren's voice broke his gaze on her. "I bring word from your father." He said as he rode up. He was stunned for a moment to see Oriana.

"My Lady, I am joyous to see that you endured-" Oriana cut him off.

"What word do you offer, Feren? There is little time for reunions I'm afraid." She said regretfully and he nodded, looking back to Legolas.

"Legolas, you are to return to your father immediately." He informed.

Legolas nodded, looking over his shoulder. "Come, Oriana-" Feren interrupted.

"My Lord...Oriana is already banished." Feren said solemnly.

"Banished?" Legolas questioned. He glared at Feren. "You may tell my father: If there is no place for Oriana, there is no place for me...I lost her once already." He said sternly.

Oriana stepped up to his side. " is your King's command." She said quietly.

Legolas turned to face her. "Yes, he is my King...but he does not command my heart." Legolas said as he walked passed her. "I ride north...will you come with me?" He asked, she quickly caught up to his side.

"To where?" Oriana asked.

"To Gundabad." He said swiftly.

They reached his horse and Legolas got in the saddle. He held out a hand to her. She smiled and took it. "I truly have missed you, my friend." Oriana said as he smile widened for a moment as she swung up into the saddle, sitting behind him.

"And I you, my Lady." He said as he kicked the horse, her arms wrapping around his waist to hold on.

As they rode through the crowds, Oriana saw the ruin that Smaug created for these poor people. "This is my fault...all of this pain and death. Because I let one dragon get away." She whispered to herself.

Legolas frowned as he tried to focus on keeping the horse at pace. He held the reins with one hand, holding his free hand over her arms in an attempt to comfort her.

She exhaled hard and looked at the stack of smoke and steam coming from the ruins of Lake Town. "I have eternity to mourn...I can lock my pain away until this war is over...and we win." She said, pushing her guilt to the back of her mind.

There was no time for a clouded mind...


They arrived just outside Gundabad and climbed a small peak that over looked the valley into the Ruins of Angmar.

They stayed low. "We will have to wait for the cover of night. Even I do not have enough arrows for all that lays behind those rusted walls." Oriana said.

Legolas looked to her and found himself staring. He could not lock his feelings away as she had been sixty years since he saw her face. He missed every detail...regretted everything he didn't say. Now was not the time though.

" forget that I hear your mind." She looked to him with a soft smile. "I cannot tell what the future holds, but...I am glad that you are with me." She said genuinely and took his right hand in her left.

He smiled as well, bringing her knuckles to his lips. "I would not rather be anywhere else, Oriana. Just as I promised when we were children. I am with you until the day we cross the sea." He said before kissing her knuckles lightly.

And so they must wait...

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