Chapter Twelve: Ravenhill...

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***3rd POV***

Darkness fell, Oriana sat up. "If we are going in, we should move now." She said, she jumped, flattening herself against the stony earth to hide from the bats that swarmed up from the valley.

She looked at them curiously as she sat up again. "They are swarming." She said, narrowing her eyes.

"These bats are bred for one purpose." Legolas said grimly.

"For what?" Oriana turned to him.

"For war." He said and she hissed out a breath, looking down to the gates of Gundabad.

They saw Bolg...he ordered Gundabad to empty, the army came marching out of the main gate. "We have to warn the others." She said as she stood up.

"We may be too late, hurry!" Legolas said and they ran down the hillside to their horse, getting back in the saddle, Oriana held on more tightly to him this time. Legolas understood her worry...


They rode into was burning once again. "Gandalf!" Legolas called, Oriana knew that name...he is her Godfather.

"Legolas..." Gandalf said breathlessly. "Legolas Greenleaf! Eh..?! ORIANA!?!" He shouted and she cringed slightly before getting off the horse.

"There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs! They are almost upon us." Legolas informed.

"Gundabad...? This was their plan all along. Azog engaged our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the north." Gandalf spat.

Oriana was surprised to see Bilbo with the Grey Wizard. "The north? Where is the north!?" Bilbo asked.

Gandalf gained a more worried look. "Ravenhill." He said grimly.

"Thorin is up there! And Fili and Kili! They're all up there!" Bilbo said frantically. Oriana's mouth was agape for a moment, her eyes were wide.

"They will want them to split up...Azog can't take them all on his own. Bilbo can sneak up there unseen, he is a gifted hobbit! We must save them!" Oriana demanded, scaring Gandalf and Legolas.

She growled and looked to the ground. "Gandalf, throw these at Thranduil and force him to stay if you must! And call Radagast! Tell him to bring eagles and Beorn." She said, pulling the White Gems of Laskelem from her pocket and giving them to the Wizard.

She turned to a stunned Legolas. He nodded his head. "I will go with you." He said and they got back on the horse...


Thorin looked up at the tower, waiting for Fili and Kili to report back. Dwalin was at his side. "Where is that orc filth?!" Dwalin growled.

"Thorin!" Bilbo removed his ring, coming into view.

"Bilbo..." Thorin gasped.

"You have to leave here. Now. Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watch tower will be completely surrounded there'll be no way out." Bilbo quickly informed as he caught his breath.

"We are so close! That orc scum is in there, I say we push on." Dwalin growled, walking passed Thorin.

Thorin stopped him. "No, that's what he wants. He wants to draw us in." Thorin looked up to the tower again. "Find Fili and Kili, call them back." He ordered.

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asked.

"Go." Thorin ordered again...Dwalin paused when they heard a low drum beat. All eyes went to the tower.

The drums grew louder. Azog walked out of the most, dragging Fili by the back of his coat.

"No..." Thorin mumbled.

Azog held Fili out over the edge. "This one dies first...then the brother...then you, Oakenshield." Azog growled in blackspeech.

The orcs behind Azog began to fall, then a blade burst forth through Azog's chest, covered in thick black blood.

The blade withdrew when his eyes rolled back. A familiar hand caught Fili before he fell, pulling him safely back. Thorin watched Azog fall.

"Thorin! Look!" Dwalin cheered.

Thorin looked back up to see Oriana smiling down at him, Fili at her side. She raised her left arms and waved to him. Thorin couldn't help but to scream. "ORIANA!!!" He shouted with a grin.

Kili heard him in the lower levels, Tauriel who was at his side smirked. "We may yet win the day." She said and both took off for the upper levels.

Oriana was so happy to see Thorin that tears formed in her eyes. She quckly wiped them away, turning to the battle at hand.

The day isn't over yet...

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