Chapter 14 Of Trips back Home

Start from the beginning

I forbid myself from even taking a peek out the window. I don't need to have a spaz attack... sadly I've done that before. I put my phone on airplane mode. about a couple minutes later a flight attendant came on the loud speaker, "Please buckle your seat belts for take off and turn you r phones off or on airplane mode. Thank you."

I buckled my seat belt and reclined in my chair. No one was behind me so I figured it was ok. I plugged in my earphones and clicked on my playlist. It started with Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. I let my mind wonder. I thought about the week; getting to hang out with The Creatures, seeing my mom... not pissed at me, having the best birthday ever, and lastly getting to spend it all with one of my best YouTube friends... Aleks.

I smiled uncontrollably. Just thinking about the whole week made me smile.

"You may now move about the cabin." The flight attendant announced.

I unbuckled my seat and relaxed... well at least tried to... my headache got the best of me. But gladly soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

******(Aleks' POV)

I made it back to The Creature House. It was very quiet here.

I walked upstairs and face planted into the mattress.


I looked up and saw Sly standing in the doorway.

"Hey Sly." I said.

"Hey Aleks." He said, "Where's AJ?"

I sighed and spoke, "She had to go back home.... Sooo I took her to the airport this morning."

Sly nodded and sat down next to the bed.

"Why do you seem sad about it?" He asked.

"I don't know." I responded.

"Do you like her?" He questioned further.

"I don't know!" I yelled, "No! Yes! Maybe! I DON'T KNOW!"

I threw my hands up in the air and layed back down on the bed.

"Ok. Ok just asking." Sly said defending himself. Even though I couldn't see Sly I knew he was smiling.

I lifted my head and looked at him. He was indeed smiling. I took a pillow and threw it at him. It hit him square in the face knocking him over. I sat up and laughed until he threw the pillow back. He bursted out laughing. I just rolled my eyes and got up.

"Where are you going?" Sly asked.

"Downstairs... problem?" I said looking back at him.

"No, just wondering." he replied.

I just rolled my eyes and went down to the kitchen. I grabbed my half drunken Pepsi max and chugged what was left of it.

I threw the can away and took a seat by one of the computers in the creature center. I pulled up my Ultimate Chimera Hunt recordings.

'I guess I should edit these before I get too lazy.'

******(Allison's POV)

My slowly opened. I sat up and looked out the window of the plane.


I quickly moved away from the window. We were still high up in the air but we were slowly descending. I looked up and the ceiling of the plane.


I walked out of the terminal. I pulled out my phone and turned it off airplane mode.

I pulled up my contacts and clicked on AleksHD. 'I don't know why it was changed to that.... don't ask....'

A Miracle That Started With Pax (ImmortalHD and TheCreatures)Where stories live. Discover now