Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

“Nathanial, I know this is asking much of you but…I intend to confront my father and I ask that you stand beside me. We must stop this confrontation at the Border and to do so, we must be there.” She expected disapproval or at least some nervousness over the fact that he could very well lose his standing if this didn’t work but the sandy haired man just smiled at his honorary little sister. “Feli, you have always been a precious sibling to me. If this is what you wish of me, then this is what I shall do.” Feli smiled and embraced the taller male gently before pulling back and placing her hands on her hips. “Then let us be off! We have a battle of wills to win.” She started for the stairs with Hilda, Talia, and Nathanial and, when they reached the bottom, Valkea on her heels. As they walked, Feli slowed down and motioned for Nathanial to walk next to her. “Do you know where my father is right now?” Nathanial nodded. “Yes, he should be taking an early breakfast in the meeting hall with Harold while they decide on which path the woman should go.” Feli nodded and turned down one of the large, stone corridors that would take her to the north end of the castle. With every step, her heart hammered away at her ribs and her resolve strengthened. Feliciana loved her parents with the pure and honest devotion of any child but years of living apart from them gave her the power to see through them and understand their faults. She would be the first to admit her father was wrong and she would stand up against him…it was the same with her mother. Feeling soft fur graze her fingertips, Feli looked down into the intelligent gaze of Valkea who gave a gentle bark as though to encourage her. She had no reservations about this beast’s comprehension of the situation and as she ran her fingers over his head, she could feel the gentle pride he had in her and love he showered her with. Straightening her back and turning her eyes ahead, she quickened her pace once more.

When the small entourage reached the heavy, lacquered doors of the meeting hall, she had this overwhelming sense of foreboding. She knew that by doing this, she would be throwing away everything her father had given her but in light of reality, she had no other choice. Taking a calming breath and placing her hand against the cool wood, she gave a forceful push and entered the room which fell into silence as the two seated Kings looked up from their meals. Upon seeing her, Gregory’s face split into a smile while Harold watched her with more suspicion, taking in her outfit and company. “My precious daughter, you are up so early! Come, have breakfast with us while we try to decide on the safest route for you and your Mother to take.” Feli watched him with obviously sad eyes as she stepped forward. She knew her father wasn’t going to take well to what she had to say but say it she would. She took three long strides forward and squared her shoulders, met Gregory’s stormy eyes with her own, fierce, mismatched gaze and swallowed the lump in her throat at the sudden realization that by doing this she would be disappointing the two men who had raised her. “Father…you really won’t rethink sending me away with mother?” at her words, Gregory’s grey eyes darkened like thunder clouds ready to explode. “Of course I won’t, it is what is best for you even if you don’t understand it.” Feli smiled sadly and dropped to one knee, her right arm crossed over her chest with her head down. “Then, King Gregory, I come to you not as the Princess but as a soldier.” Before she could continue Gregory slammed his fist and took to his feet with an enraged shout. “You are the Princess and you will act as such! Enough of this nonsense, Feliciana!” his shouts were met with silence and everyone waited with bated breath but Feli made no move to argue. Instead, the girl let out a soft sigh and reached for one of the daggers strapped to her left side. Everyone tensed as Feli brought the dagger to the back of her head, holding her hair with her left hand and sliced her long locks off just below the ribbon that slipped from her hair and drifted to the floor. Feli glanced over her shoulder and motioned with a slight jerk of her head for Hilda and Talia to bring the jewelry boxes they held. When the twin containers were laid before her, Feli reached out with steady hands to open them revealing the tiara she had been gifted with seven years ago and the necklace her mother had given her. Holding her hair out to her father, she let it slip through her fingers and settle between the two boxes. “Then I renounce my claim to the throne and all that goes with it. I am no longer the Princess of Beldan, I am a mercenary and the recognized Spirit of Fire…and I will be joining this war regardless of your opinion.”

Innocent Sorrow: A Tale of Twisted Hearts Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now