44 - Colt: Ethereal

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Saturday August 13

It felt like days until I was able to open my eyes. I felt sluggish; even the intrinsic motion of moving my eyelids was strained, as if every muscle in my body had been drained of energy.

I was groggy, squinting against sunlight that seeped through the blinds of my bedroom. I let out a sigh, my eyes finally open as I looked around in disarray.

My eyes glazed over my white bed sheets and I froze. A head of dark, wavy hair fanned out over the pillow beside me. Only then was I conscious of the fact that I had my hand wrapped around the girl's naked waist, her leg draped over my body.

I was breathing hard, fear creeping into my system as I tried to focus on the girl's physical traits. Her hair was dark, nearly an ebony color, but more of a dark chestnut. Her face was hidden, but I could see the smooth, olive skin of her back where the sheet didn't cover.

I swallowed thickly, moving my hand against the naked skin of her hip. Her body felt familiar - there was a spot curved right between her hip and waist where my hand fit perfectly. Her body was also small and comforting, almost as if it were sculpted to fit against mine.

I brushed her hair back away from her face, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw her.


I was so worried I'd brought home a stripper from the bachelor party. Thank fucking hell I didn't, or I would've banged my head against my vanity out of shame.

Vee stirred under my touch and it was only then that I realized I was subconsciously caressing her face.

Her eyes struggled to open, much like mine did. Instead, she stretched, spreading her body out until she was curled back up again, her eyes fluttering open with a yawn.

Her eyes met mine and she blinked a few times, as if not believing what she was seeing. My shoulders fell as soon as it all hit me.

Vee wasn't talking to me... Wait, then how the hell did she end up in my bed? I glanced down at my bare chest, lifting the sheets to see that I was naked under them.

Oh, shit.

Vee seemed to register that same fact in seconds, much faster than I had, her body shooting up in an erect position.

"Fuck," she winced, holding her head.

"Tell me about it," I cringed, feeling my own head pound against my skull. Then I really looked at her... And I gasped.

She stared at me in confusion, only then realizing that the covers had fallen and her chest was exposed. She looked down at the hickeys on her breasts, while her nipples were red and a little bruised.

I examined her carefully, taking in her swollen lips, then the purple bruises on her arm and a few around her wrist.

She followed my gaze, her lip trembling. "Oh, God..." she whispered and I'd never heard her sound more upset.

I couldn't even say anything. She noticed my unusual silence, a hand running through her messy sex hair in disbelief while I pieced together last night's events.

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