38 - Colt: Twenty-Four

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Sunday June 29

"Twenty-four," she giggled through the receiver, "you'll be a whole two years older than me now."

"All right, youngster, relax," I groaned, shaking my head as I cleaned up around the house. "Twenty-four is hardly old - got the heart of an eighteen-year-old."

She laughed, her girly shrill making me smile. "And what're your plans? You have about a week and I still haven't heard anything about a huge birthday party yet."

I let out a forced chuckle. "No, uh... Birthday parties aren't really my thing."

"Not your thing," she repeated. "Well... How about we do something then? Spend the evening together - I mean, um, if you want - we could just do our own thing, maybe Friday night and go out and spend the night getting drunk, pretending you're actually eighteen -"

I held my breath as she cut herself off, at loss for words when she went silent.  

"Y-yeah," I stammered, nodding furiously. "Yeah, that... That sounds like a great craic."

She was quiet for a moment. "Colt... What do you want for your birthday?"

I sucked in a breath, hearing her breathing slow through the phone.

"Surprise me," I couldn't stop my grin.

"Of course," she purred. "Now, tell me, are you more of a lace or a silk kinda guy?"

I held my breath for a moment. "Fuck... Anything. Lace, silk... Something easy to rip off."

Vee laughed again and I imagine her tossing her head back as she did, her small dimple creasing into her left cheek.

We continued to talk for another hour, the remaining daylight outside was then sucked away, leaving me in complete darkness expect for the glowing light from the tele.

"All right, I'll let you go, darlin'," I sighed, hearing her yawn again.

She hummed. "Yeah, I should probably head to bed - agh, no, I need to shower first."

I refrained from the thoughts evading my mind. Vee's wet body in the shower, hair stuck to her skin, the contrast of her burning rouge lips against her olive skin...

"Vee?" I spoke up before she could end the call. She waited, her breath hitching. "Do me a favour and don't freak out about me not liking what you planned or somethin'. 'Cause it's not that big of a deal, y'know?"

She didn't respond for a moment, but then I heard her let out a slow breath.

"Okay, well then you have to promise me not to jerk off until I see you."

My mouth dropped open in horror. "That's nearly an entire week!"

"I know," she replied, the mirth in her voice making me roll my eyes.

"Fine," I gave in, "only if you do it too."

I could hear the smile in her voice. "I will. Because trust me when I say that we'll make up for it."

We'd better.

For once in my entire life, I was growing more and more impatient as my birthday neared. The killer part was that I was more excited than I can ever remember being as a child -because unlike anyone had never done for me, Vee was planning something.

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