43 - Vee: Limits

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Friday August 12

I grinned, my eyes scanning the gym area once over as Jaxon and Charlie competed in their monthly bench-off.

So far, Jaxon was pushing two-hundred-eighty pounds, meanwhile Charlie was struggling with two-hundred-twenty pounds.

"You're almost there, Charles!" I laughed and Jaxon finally stopped at three-hundred, howling in laughter at Charlie.

"I'll make it one day," Charlie heaved for air, dropping on the floor with his eyes closed.

I giggled as Jaxon showed off his muscles before leaning down to help Charlie up.

I felt someone's hand snake around my waist and I felt Colt's lips at my ear.

"You're too easily entertained by these idiots," he murmured.

"Then you entertain me," I sassed, turning to look at him.

I giggled when his lips met mine in a sloppy kiss. It was gentle, so unlike Colt's usually relentless self. The large purple bruise on my outer thigh could attest to that - it was still fresh, reminding me of only two days ago when Colt was much too eager, shoving me up against his vanity in our moment of passion.

I winced a little when his hands squeezed my hips, then remembering the small finger-shaped bruises along my hipbones. Colt was also very rough when he would thrust, his body meeting mine to the very hilt.

"I plan to," he chuckled after pulling back, spinning me around to face him. "But I have to train this guy, so I'll be back to take care of m'girl in forty-five minutes."

I sighed dramatically. "Okay, fine. I'm gonna need all you can give me since you'll be off partying with your boys next week."

He grinned. "All I can give ya, yeah? Well, I promise not to bring home any strippers, no need to worry. Unless, you know, you want me to, for like a threesome. If that's the case, then -"

"No, no strippers, thanks," I cut him off with a crinkle of my nose.

He laughed, pressing his lips to my forehead.

My stomach panged uneasily at that, because it was something that made my chest warm. That shouldn't have been the case.

I took a seat in the weight room area, watching Jaxon train a lady who was insanely ripped. She could've been training Jaxon in the next weeks at the rate she was going - I admired her body without a doubt.

"Hey," I heard beside me suddenly and I looked up to see a guy.

He had dark skin, a cute smile and a huge body. He could've picked me up and tossed me to fucking China - he was probably six feet tall, with major biceps and a huge chest, not to mention his shoulders... It was intimidatingly sexy.

"Oh, um, hi," I smiled slightly.

"You looked a little bored there so I was just coming by to say hey," he said, his accent cute. "I had to stop what I was doing to just let you know that you're pretty."

I blushed imminently. "Thank you. That's really nice of you."

"I'm Jordan," he smiled.

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