Chapter 1: Tourist Trapped (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"Stay back, man!" Dipper shouted. He picked up the shovel and threw it at the monster, but the monster stopped the shovel in midair. The twins hugged each other and screamed.

"It's the end of the line, kids! Mabel, marry us before we do something crazy!"

"There's gotta be a way out of this..." I muttered.

"I gotta do it," Mabel affirmed.

"What?!" Dipper and I gasped.

"Mabel, don't do this! Are you crazy?" Dipper begged.

"Trust me."


"Dipper, just this once. Trust me!"

Dipper glanced at the gnomes, then at Mabel, then at me. Both of us stepped back.

"All right, Jeff. I'll marry you," Mabel announced.

"Hot dog! Help me down there, Jason!  Thanks, Andy! All right, left foot, there we go, watch those fingers, Mike," Jeff said as he climbed down his gnome monster. He approached Mabel and held out a diamond ring. "Eh? Eh?"

Mabel held out her hand and Jeff placed the ring on her. " Bada-bing, bada-bam! Now let's get you back into the forest, honey!"

"You may now kiss the bride," Mabel proclaimed.

"Well, don't mind if I do." Jeff leaned in to kiss Mabel.

Mabel leaned in to kiss Jeff. She reached her hand behind her and brandished a leaf blower. Way to go, Mabel!

"Ah! Hey, hey, wait a minute! Whoa, whoa! Wh-what's goin' on?!" Jeff tried to scamper away but got sucked up into the leaf blower.

"That's for lying to me!" Mabel shouted. She increased the power. "THAT'S for breaking my heart!"

"Ow! My face!" Jeff cried.

"And THIS is for messing with my brother and my best friend!" Mabel aimed the leaf blower She looked at Dipper and I. "Wanna do the honors?

"On three!" Dipper directed.

"One, two, three!" Together, we blasted Jeff into the gnome monster which fell apart on impact.

Jeff sailed off into the distance. "I'll get you back for this!..."

Mabel used the leaf blower to blow the gnomes away.

"Anyone else want some of this?" I taunted.

The gnomes fled into the forest, crawling on all fours.

Mabel looked at Dipper apologetically. "Hey, Dipper? I, um...I'm sorry for ignoring your advice. You really were just looking out for me."

"Oh, don't be like that. You saved our butts back there," I jumped in.

Mabel sighed, "I guess I'm just sad that my first boyfriend turned out to be a bunch of gnomes."

"Look on the bright side. Maybe the next one will be a vampire." Dipper suggested.

"Oh, you're just saying that!"

"Awkward sibling hug?"

"Awkward sibling hug." The twins hugged and patted each other. "Pat, pat."

"Wait, Y/N needs in on this hug too," Dipper pointed out.

"Yeah!" Mabel grabbed me then pulled me into the hug. I smiled.

We walked into The Mystery Shack gift shop.

Stan called out to us, "Yeesh. You three get hit by a bus or somethin'? Ahah!"

Well, that's just what I wanted to hear after battling a bunch of gnomes. Dipper, Mabel and I walked away.

"Uh, hey! W-Wouldn't you know it? Um, I accidentally overstocked some inventory, so, uh... how's  about each of you take one item from the gift shop? On the house, y'know?"

"Seriously?" I asked.

"What's the catch?" Dipper questioned.

"The catch is do it before I change my mind, now take something."

We looked around. Dipper settled on a blue and white ball cap with a pine tree on the front. I chose a Gravity Falls pin. Yes, I know, not very exciting, but it's a memento that I'm going to put on my bag so I'll always remember today.

"And I will have a..." Mabel reached into a box and twirled around. "GRAPPLING HOOK! Yes!"

Stan looked at Dipper and me. "Wouldn't she rather have, like, a doll, or something?"

Mabel fired the grappling hook at the ceiling then pulled herself up. "GRAPPLING HOOK!"

"Fair enough!"

--Time Skip--

By now, the three of us were in our pj's and ready for bed. Mabel was playing with her new grappling hook and Dipper was writing in the journal.I was writing in a journal of my own that I had brought from home.

Today was probably one of the scariest days of my life, but, surprisingly, it was also one of the best. Battling one thousand gnomes has to be my craziest experience yet, and it's only my first day here! I can't even imagine what other things the Pines twins and I will do together. I'm really starting to feel close to Dipper and Mabel.

Although I'm really liking it In Gravity Falls, there are still some things I really miss from home. I flipped backwards through the pages of my journal until I landed on the page I wanted. It had a picture of me and my best friend. He had bright blonde hair. He wore a black bow tie, a yellow sweater and black jeans. We had been friends since pre school, we had been through a lot together and his name is Bill Cipher.

"Hey, Mabel, could you get the light?"

"I'm on it!" Mabel shot her grappling hook which knocked the light out the window. "It works!"

Dipper, Mabel and I laughed.

It is going to be quite the summer.

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Finally finished my first chapter, so happy! Just wanted to let you know that there will probably be a few chapters that don't have much of a story line but are part of the story for character bonding. Also, I will try to make it so each chapter isn't 3 parts long... Anyways, I hoped you liked it, be sure to vote if you did and add A Summer in Gravity Falls to your reading list! Thanks!

P.S I have no intentions of writing a chapter for every Gravity Falls episode, simply because it is unnecessary and would probably become boring, but I will be writing all the ones that are important for A Summer in Gravity Falls. If there are any particular episodes you want to see in this story, be sure to comment and I'll try my best to add them.

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