He had fallen asleep during the makeup process thanks to the spiked lemonade the lady put in front of him. Niall was laughing at the drowsy version of Louis and couldn't help but video tape the young boy. His loopy state was hilarious until Niall had to carry the pampered boy to his boss.

The devil was waiting for his precious arrival, however he was not please to see his prize was a sleep. "I wanted him to meet me Niall, not be greeted with a nice body and not action." The devil spoke with his hand rested on his and one shaking across the forehead. "I give you one job Niall." With that Niall walked out rolling his job since his boss thought he was so superior.

Dinner was to start in about 30 minutes and the drugs seated off in about 45 minutes. The devil carried Lou bridal style placing him onto the bed, but not before "accidentally" grabbing Louis' ass which made him want to fuck him. Once he woke up, the hell symbol sweated he would go down on that luxury boy.

Louis had woken up in 40 minutes and heard voices from down the hallways Immediately. Fisting the sleep out of his eyes he rose from the comfy bed that smelled of a Hollister store, overall amazing.

Exiting the room, making sure to close the door with out making a noise he followed the sound. Guiding him o a giant room filled with about 20 people and a big feast in the middle. Louis could only recognize Niall who was snuggled up to a raven haired lad with tattoos.

His eyes met with The blonde boys and he signalled he head of the table to Louis. The man gave Lou a quick smile urging him to come hither to get some food. Slowly but surely Louis sat next to the man, following his stomach and not his brain. He hasn't eaten in 24 hours, his tummy completely flat.

"Finally, Our little guest has come to join us for dinner time," Spoke a curly man with a seat open right next to him. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Louis wasn't fond of this man's happy go lucky attitude, "I'm Louis and I was stolen from heaven." He said with a snort, " I am 20 years old and was forced here against my will. I have no idea whee I am, but its definitely not home."

The youngest in the room would have gone on until a large hand gripped his thigh making him pause. "That's enough for now, don't you think. We will have plenty of time to hear your life story with the endless years here." Louis would have usually fought back with the taller figure, but decided against it and started to eat instead. Afraid it would be gone or his privileged would be taken away if he talked back even more.

The food was delicious, similar to the food in Heaven, the food was Korean instead of Chinese which was a nice twist. The Blood red chicken had more of a tang to it along with the cellophane noodles were coated in a sweeter sauce. Vegetables had always been least favorite to Louis, but he made due. Overall, he was stuffed by the end of the meal, and the people around him kept eating which made him feel small.

No one left the table until the last couple finished their meal. I stood up first, being escorted by one of the nicest people he has met so far except he was a little abrasive. Though I don't know his name yet, I'm sure we'll be great friends.

They entered the older man's room which happened to be the same one he was in before. the man began to speak, "come sit," he motioned to a the chair in front of the gigantic fireplace. "You are probably wondering where you are."

"Yes, no one will tell me and I have asked multiple people. All they say is talk to someone else or just laugh at me."

"Well, let's start with introductions. I know your Louis and I think you should know who I am. That's only fair, correct." Louis shook his head yes, indicating the shoulder length hair man to speak further."Mhm."

"Well, Lou," he tool a big sigh, "I am the Devil and you are in Hell."

Hey hey hey hey!!! How is everyone? I hope your doing good and like the new chapter!

Thoughts on the 2nd cliffhanger?

Thoughts on how Louis will react?

Thoughts on who the devil is?

Devils Little Angel -  A Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now