Oneshot #15: Cashews Are Better Than You

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<<Requested by millaloraine. 1/4>>

It was a simple process, really. You made a knot, you made a loop, and then you tied the two loops together. Easy. Except when your recently wedded wife was sleeping a few feet away, tying your shoes was a difficult task. Distracted, was what Kai was.

Cinder inhaled slowly and exhaled slowly, in a calming manner.

Kai blinked, but didn't avert his gaze. Despite the small amount of drool on the corner of her lip, she still looked beautiful. Not hot, but beautiful, because Kai had been taught at a young age that what really made someone attractive wasn't their body or their face, but their features and personality. Although, if he were to be honest with himself, he considered her pretty "hot" too- and not because she had once been in a fire, because that was just having a morbid sense of humor. Cinder, he knew for a fact, would not appreciate the joke.

Chuckling internally so as to not make a sound, he went back to tying his tennis shoes. Kai had always been fond of tennis shoes. He'd also, on a totally unrelated note, always been fond of cashews dipped in chocolate. Actually, he'd never tasted them with chocolate, but he did love cashews. Which was why there was a hidden stash of cashews in the bedside table, thanks to his request. He'd have to make sure he remembered to eat some before him and Cinder went out today. Finishing tying his first shoe, he stood up. The other shoe could wait, for Cinder was shifting and waking up.

She reached a hand up to rub at her eyes (Kai couldn't help but notice the object on her left hand that shined) and laughed. "What are we even doing?"

"Well... When two people love each other very mu--" He didn't get to finish his sentence thanks to the pillow Cinder threw at his face. He bent down to pick it up and then set it down back on the bed. "I was just going to say we got married," he mumbled, bending down to press a kiss on her nose.

Cinder frowned up at him. "Did you just kiss my no-"

Kai leapt onto the bed, making it move slightly up and down for a few seconds before it balanced their weights. He placed his head on top of his arms and stared at the ceiling as he tapped his toes together. "No, Cinder. I did not kiss your nose, that was obviously your neck." He rolled his eyes playfully.

Cinder snorted then smirked. "Well, you di--"

Kai clamped a hand over her mouth. "Shh," he said, "nobody's gotta know, Cinder. Stars, don't be so obvious."

She turned on her side, keeping the blanket clutched around her, and narrowed her eyes. "You're so lame sometimes."

He winked and then reached over to the top drawer and pulled out a small bag. Opening it, he asked, "Cashew?"

"Cashew?" she repeated, taking one from his hand. She popped it into her mouth as Kai took out a handful and let it rain into his open mouth, making them spill everywhere.

"Yes, cashew. I'm cheating on you with cashews. Actually, I am cheating on cashews with you. Cashews were my first love, sorry."

She stuck her hand in the bag, took out some more, and stood up, shaking her head. "Unbelievable, Kaito. Already cheating?"

"No regrets, though!" he called after her once she closed the bathroom door.

In less than a minute, she was already dressed and ready to go. Kai looked down at her feet, where her shoes were still untied. He smirked. "Hey, Cinder? What are-"

She rolled her eyes and cut him off. "I can't believe that out of all the places on earth, you picked a cabin in the middle of nowhere."

Kai closed his cashew bag and stuffed it in his pocket. "Technically, it's not the middle of nowhere. This is a very well-known cabin park thing, and it's right by this beautiful mountain," he rambled, pointing out the window. "Honestly, Cinder. It's like you don't even know what you picked for our honeymoon."

Cinder glared. "That's because I didn't know what 'I' had picked until last night when we flew here."

"We flew?" Kai asked suddenly. "Stars, I had no idea I had wings." He smiled, tied his other shoe, and then opened the door to the outside just as Cinder put her hair up. "Ready?"



"Slow down, will you?" Kai whined. "I'm not exactly what you would call a professional hiker."

Cinder sighed and hopped off of the large rock she'd just started to climb. "Break?" Kai nodded, panting, and she went to sit with him on the ground. "You're a disgrace, Kai. We've been walking for not even an hour."

"Hey! Why must you hurt my man feelings?"

Cinder snorted. "Because you carry a man purse to every meeting."

"Not every meeting. Only two so far since I just bought it the other day." He took out his package of cashews again.

Cinder groaned and fell back onto the ground. "If I hear that bag wrinkle one more time..."

Kai smirked as he wrinkled the plastic and popped a cashew into his mouth. She looked up and glared at him, to which he replied with by boopingher nose. "I know you love me."


"So rude. Gee." He opened her mouth with his hand and placed a cashew on her tongue. She glared at him as he closed her mouth and she began to chew. Kai lay down as well with his eyes closed, making sure his bag was near his hand. "I don't think it's a coincidence 'cashew' rhymes with 'chew'."

"Okay, Kai," Cinder sighed, moving her head to his chest.

"I also don't think it's a coincidence that my hand can't find my cashews and that I just heard something land a few feet away." He sat up as quick as he could without pushing Cinder's head off of him. He ran a few yards and then fell to his knees in front of his spilled snack. "How could you..."

Cinder sat beside him with a shrug. "I got tired of them."

Kai frowned and gave a nervous chuckle. "Stars. I sure hope you never get tired of me." He looked up at her and held her hands in his. "Please don't ever get tired of me."

She smiled a small smile then cupped his face in her hands and gave him a long, sweet kiss. "How could I?" she laughed, resting her forehead against his.

And Kai knew she meant it.

Definitely not my best but here it is. Hope the request was fulfilled (though it probably wasn't).
I most likely will not be updating again this coming week due to the fact I have state exams and whatnot...
Thanks for sticking around everyone I appreciate every one of you :)

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